Part six

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You giggle a little and cover your mouth "Thats so sweet of you to say" Chase shrugs and nods "Just telling the truth" You blush madly, feeling the color flood to your cheeks. Seán wiggles his eyebrows at you and smirks "Hey Chase..You should take her to the house. I left some things in my room, it'd be nice if you two could go get it" Chase smiles and nods "Sure thing" as Chase was turning away you bring your hand on your throat and make a 'Cut it out' Motion. Shaking your head and fuming. Seán was already laughing his ass off ((video above and not the first laugh that one was..weird XD)) like the cute and giggly bitch he is. Chase turns back around and raises an eyebrow "You good bro?" Seán inhales sharply and nods "All good buddy" he snickered some outbursts. With a huff and a shove to Seán, He tosses the keys to Chase and you two were on your way. Walking out of the room and out to the courtyard, both heading to the front of the main outlet. Well mostly like a small square of stores. Making your way down the square you encounter Alex, who was stuffing her face with a sandwich at the coffee shop. Snickering you're sneak in and behind her, tackling her "ALEXANDRA!" You whisper yell in her ear. She nearly chokes on the sandwhich and huffed heavily "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YA PSYCHOPATH!" She gasped and coughs. You shrugs and hug her "Met a guy. Going to a house. I'll be back. Sorry I left and who is THAT" across from the two of you was the regular counter with a brown haired guy. His eyes a light brown and had a soft type of demeanor. Kinda like a nerdy guy but REALLY attractive. Alex giggles "My new manz" she chimes. "Oh really? Does he know that?" You smirk. Sighing she crosses her arms like a child "Well..Not entirely.." You laugh..well more like a cackle "Very nice Alex" you shake your head and smile, patting hers. "I gotta go cool? Text you?" She nods and shoos you away and eats her sandwhich, watching the nerd work. Chase was leaning against a wall, crossing his arms and his hat covering his eyes. He was looking off to the afternoon sky. Looking very smexy may I add. "Chase?" You say, not wanting to disturb the peace he has. The expression on his face lit up and he smiled bright "Ready?" He takes your hand and starts walking. You take his hand and blush madly, I mean he's only leading you to Sean's house. You didn't know where it was so it was reasonable he was doing that but still, you had to blush "Y-Yeah sorry, my best friend. I was teasing her, you know how it be" you giggle some. He chuckles and nods, the fluffy hair bouncing as he does so "Of course I know". About an hour had passed, time slipping through your fingers as you talk with Chase. His aspiration wand dreams, his wants and needs. The things he loves and doesn't. He even tells you about the divorce and how it went down. Telling you about his two amazing kids, Emily and Thomas. Both beautiful kids. The way he talked about them, with such praise and love. It filled you with love of your own, for him and the kids. You hadn't even met them but by the way Chase describes them..they were the perfect kids. And Chase was the perfect dad. It seemed like a dream..Everything was going perfect. Nothing was wrong, only the nervousness you had around Chase. Trying so hard not to tackle him and kiss him right there and then. It really was, he moved his hair out of his eyes and put his hand on your shoulder several times to emphasize a point. Every time he did so, a small shiver went through your body as you nodded and hung onto everything he said, since he spoke as every little word mattered. And to you it did. Tuning back to reality you see Sean's house. A nice two story house. Very modern and neat. Everything was very beautiful about it. Chase went ahead of you to open the door, opening the doorknob and pushing it open. Revealing the house inside, it was pretty big, neat and again modern. It didn't have a lot of furniture but it was very cozy. Chase checks his phone and nods "Cool, he said to wait here a little while, meanwhile the thing he wanted us to get it situated and ready" he said flopping on the couch. "Sit!" He grins and pats next to him. You fiddle run and slide into the couch, sitting right next to him. He put his hand over you and on the couch, his arm resting in the couch but behind you. Resisting the urge to lean into him, you Huh your legs and stare around "It's really nice in here" he nodded "Yeah, he's very clean and tidy. Doesn't like a mess, surprising I know" he laughs and grabs the remote "Wanna watch something?" You nod quickly "Yeah!" "Cool what do you want to watch?" This is very hard. You could chose anything and it would go different ways. Going the safe route you smile at your intellect with and answer "Oh anything it doesn't matter. I don't care as long as you like it" you smile innocently, hoping he picks something interesting. "Oh cool! Let's watch the office? Have you seen it?" Your eyes light up "YEAH! Let's start from the beginning yeah?" He smiled and made a little reaction anime noise. ((Google it if you don't know)) "Aw..Oops" you say covering yourself mouth "I said that out loud.." he laughed and blushes "It's fine. I like it. Speak your mind, say what you want okay?" ^If I did is be telling you I'm in love with you but it's not easy is it?^ you think. He coughs and turns a little pink "We should watch now...okay?" He said with a sheepish smile, looking towards the screen. ^Aw. Cute^ you think silently and nod "Kay" with a smile. He exhales as he was holding his breath...Weird..Why would he be doing that?

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