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you stand before the school entrance, feeling nervousness tingle your belly. you take a deep breath before walking into the large building. your eyes scan for your best friend.

you feel someone touch your shoulder, making you turn around to see who it could be. a smile grows on your face as you see jinju standing there. before you can say anything, she grabs your hand. as she takes you away from the crowded area, you speak up. "where are we going?"

jinju ignores your question as she quickens her pace, stopping in an abandoned hallway. she crosses her arms and looks at you with a stern look. you bite your lip as you nervously play with your hands. "is this about yesterday?" you softly ask.

jinju nods, her eyes softening at your nervous state. "have you already told him the truth?" she asks you, making you shake your head. "then when are you going to tell him?"

you slowly shrug your shoulders. "what does it matter to you?" you softly bring out, scared of her answer. you notice her eyes drifting away from yours, breaking the eye contact you had. "it's nothing serious." she mumbled.

you look at the floor, feeling a wave of sadness. "you like him too.." you whisper, ready to walk away from the girl who had been your best friend for years. "i'm sorry" jinju said after a moment of silence.

you bite your inner cheek as you make your way away from her.

why do you need to love him too?

i'm in love with u, sorry .  l. chittaphonWhere stories live. Discover now