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you nervously sit down at a table, waiting for ten to arrive. time has never felt so slowly as now, seconds feeling like hours.

you are finally feeling well again, making it able to meet ten today.

a waiter comes by to ask what you want to drink. "my friend will be here any minute now, i'll wait for him" you tell the waiter, as he nods and retreats.

you stare out the window, your leg jumping up and now. finally, you notice ten walking towards the cafe. your eyes follow him towards the door, only to turn to the window again when he comes in.

he walks your way, taking a seat in front of you. "hey" he carefully brings out, making you turn to him.

"hey" you softly reply, giving him a small smile which you return.

the waiter returns to ask what you would like to drink. "a latte for both of us please" ten orders.

when the waiter is gone, he turns to you. "can you tell me what's wrong?" his expression turning from happy to worried

you look down to your hands, feeling all the nerves kick back in.

"tell me what's wrong" ten begs, his eyes sadder than you had ever seen them. "please"

"i can't say it" you say after a short silence. and it's true. you could never say you love him.

"then text

i'm in love with u, sorry .  l. chittaphonWhere stories live. Discover now