The truth

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I knocked on the door with tears streaming down my face with no where else to go. The door opened and I was greeted by Stefan "oh my god Skye are you okay" he guided me inside "no" I sniffed I walked into the room "look I know we've like only just met but I trust you I don't know why but I do and I need you to help me" he nodded and sat down so I sat opposite him "I feel like I'm going crazy" I laughed with tears still falling "why what's going on" I took a deep breath "today I saw something. Mason his eyes were yellow okay and it happened again when we got back because I was yelling at him and I keep getting these dreams but there not like dreams it's like memories of Damon and you and he has these veins and red eyes and he saved me....." we sat in silence. He had no idea what to say "Skye.." Damon's voice entered the room "tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me that this shit is real okay because I don't have another explanation other than I'm crazy. I spent years looking for my family but all I could find was death certificates. And clippings from old newspapers about animal attacks" Damon walked over to me "your not crazy" I sighed but I don't know if it was relief or shock "I'm not" he shook his head "Damon" he hushed Stefan "she needs to know" I walked over to the decanter and poured myself a glass of bourbon then proceeded to down it "so your dreaming about me" he smirked "not funny. Listen I need to know what's going on because everyone around me is dying or leaving and I'm starting to get really pissed off with feeling like somethings wrong with me" Damon walked over and put his hands on my arms "Skye your not crazy. What I'm about to tell you. You can't tell anyone okay because it could get us killed" I nod "I just wanna know" he sighed "I'm just gonna show you" I nodded "it's just me okay you have to remember that it's just me..." I nod again "I don't feel scared I can't help but trust you" he steps back and all of a sudden he's disappeared I spun around and he was in front of me with a blood bag squirting it into a glass I swallowed hard "wow" he brought the glass to his mouth and his eyes went red and the veins under his eyes were there "vampire.." I said plainly and he nodded "I'm not crazy. I don't know what's worse that I'm not crazy or that this is real" he sighed "there's a whole world out there okay and we can help you through it. Now, tell us about Mason Lockwood".

After spending the night at the boarding house Elena came over in the morning and walked in in shock to see me "I came here last night i know about the vampire thing" she hugged me "I'm so sorry you got roped into this" I smiled "I've spent years trying to figure out what happened to my mom when we were in New Orleans but I could only find things that didn't make sense... now it makes sense" she furrows her brow "you think a vampire killed your mom?" I shrug "maybe. They said it was an animal attack, but know that I know about this stuff it makes going forward a lot easier. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it though" I laugh "aren't we all" she joined in.

A guy walked in I'm told his name is Alaric he's here to help us figure out what Mason is. They have no idea what Mason is to me though they just think I'm one of Tyler's cousins because my last names Wild. Elena knows but I asked her not to tell them because I want them to trust me not hate me because of him.

"Alaric hey my names Skye I'm an old friend I just got back to town" he nodded and shook my outstretched hand "call me Ric, I arrived recently too don't worry" he laughed lightly and I nodded with a smile. we all sat down and started talking about Rics wife's research and if it would help us figure out if werewolves are real or not. We decided that I would stay here with Stefan and help Caroline who I learnt has recently been turned by Elenas doppelgänger and they would go to the university and find Isobel's research and Elena would let me know the outcome.

Stefan and I headed over to the woods where we were meeting Caroline who I hadn't seen in 3 years and it was also a surprise for her. "Finally Stefan your here... oh my god...what!" She ran over to me and hugged me "Caroline.... I cant breathe..." she let me go "sorry wait you know about all this" I nod "well I'm glad your here to help but you smell really good right now" I point my finger "you may be a vampire now but I will still take you down" we laugh and Stefan starts his eating little bunnies lesson until Caroline starts groaning "what's wrong" Stefan asks her "it's just that. I haven't been out in the sun in days and everyone's at the swimming hole and Matt told me he loved me and I've ignored him all day and your here making me eat bunnies" she stresses making us giggle at her " now your laughing at me" he shakes his head "no none of this is funny. It's just that when you become a vampire everything is amplified" she shrugs "what do you mean" he responds with "well when I was human I cared about people's feelings if they were upset if felt there pain especially if I cause it and as a vampire that was magnified " she raises her arm to her hip "so your telling me I'm an insecure neurotic control freak on crack..." I stifle a laugh "well I wasn't gonna say it like that but" we laugh and then decide to head over to the swimming hole.

We park Stefans car and I spot Tyler I get out and tell them I'll be back. I run over to Tyler and he spots me "where were you I was worried" I sighed "I'm sorry I had an argument with Mason and ended up at Elenas" he hugged me "he's an ass don't worry about it" I laugh "don't worry I'm not".

We spent the rest of the day chatting and socialising but part of me found myself staying close to Stefan but I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it's because he was a vampire it just made me feel safer. It started to get dark when Stefan got a call from Elena "hey Elena what's up" he spoke then looked at me "yea she's here" he handed me the phone "hey Lena what did you find" I heard her sigh "Werewolves are real" my heart sank "we believe that Mason is one and he'll turn tonight because it's a full moon. And the legend says that a werewolf bite is fatal to vampires. And guess who they like to hunt most" I sighed "okay thanks we'll get Caroline and get inside we'll meet you at the boarding house" I hung up knowing Stefan heard everything "Skye what's wrong" he put his hand on my shoulder "nothing. Caroline..." I turned but she was no longer there "oh shit" Stefan looked around but we couldn't see her.

We ran around the woods until Stefan heard her. He held me tight and vampire sped to her where she was feeding on Matt "CAROLINE NO!" I yell pulling her off him but she just grabbed me and bit into my neck before I broke her off me and pinned her to a tree "stop it this isn't you!" I yelled and Stefan moved me away from her. We heard rustling "we have to run it'll follow us okay run as fast as you can we need to get it away from Matt" I grab Stefan "take me with you" he hesitates "trust me Stefan " he nods holding me as they run but Caroline stops us "what is it!" I turn to her "it's a werewolf it wants to kill you and it can" Tyler then comes into view "Skye what are you doing here. What happened to your neck!" Before I can answer Caroline is jumped my the wolf Stefan tackles it off of her and I recognise those yellow eyes "NO!" I yell at it growls but backs off and runs away.

I get in Tyler's car and we sit in silence "do you know about mason" I ask sick of keeping it from him and he sighs "I do now. I know I recognised those eyes" I let out a breath "thank god you know. Tyler, if mason has that gene it means we do. I don't know how you trigger it but we can't let that happen okay" he nods "hey it's gonna be fine. We're in this together"

"Together" I sat back to him smiling

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"Together" I sat back to him smiling.

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