Damons Girl

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After everything that's been happening I decided to take a day for myself. Damon's off with rose trying to find information about klaus while elena is talking to Katherine in the tomb while hiding it from Stefan.

I wonder around until I find a small opening in the woods next to a lake. I sit and play my music and think as hard as I can about how Elijah knew me and then something clicks.

We had been preparing all day for the ball. And when I had finally got dressed I couldn't reach the fast on the back of my dress ". I know your there could you please lend me a hand" I spoke sensing his presence behind me "of course my rose" he smiled and helped me fasten the dress as his hand softly graze my back "you look beautiful" he smiled as a blush arose in my cheeks "your not to bad yourself..."

I come back to reality before I can find out his name. I don't believe I'm a doppelgänger it's something else they're like memories. I hear something snap behind me and turn to see nothing. I turn back around to be faced by a man and I jump "oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says with a sinister smirk "I'm Thomas and you are" he says "Skye" I say quietly "your Damon's girl.... I've been looking for you"

I take a step back from him "what do want" I say as he steps closer to me "Damon took something from me. No it's his turn to see how it feels" his face changes as veins petrude from his eyes and he lunges at me biting into my neck as I scream for help to no avail.

I knee him in the balls and he stops to keel over. I take my chance and run I hide behind a tree knowing I can't reach the road from here without him catching me. My only chance is to fight. "I can smell you bitch there's no escape" he yells "what did Damon do to you to hurt you this way" he laughs "he took everything away from me and left me in torment out of spite.... he took away the love of my life" he said the last bit quietly "I'm not that for him okay he'll get over me" he laughs "then why did he save you... you mean something and I vowed to ruin anything good in his life for what he did" I sigh picking up the sharpest stick I could find.

I hear him behind me and laugh myself at him jamming the stick into his back and I run again hearing him scream I pick up another stick and continue to run. He speeds to me my hands by my side as I'm pinned to a tree "please just let me go" I beg. I don't want to kill him but I don't want to die his face changes again and he devours my neck once more. I can't scream and I can barely move this is the moment were I decide if I die or spend the rest of my life turning into a beast.

That's when it happened. His face turned grey as he released me as he dropped. A harsh sob left my throat as my heart aches and my whole body shook with what felt like power as a new feeling hit me.

I collect myself and call Caroline. It rings and she picks up "Hey Skye what's up" she says and I cry out "Care I need your help" tears still rolling down my face "Skye what's wrong?!" I sob harshly "I did it. I killed him." She gasps over the phone "where are you I'm coming" she says with a voice full of sorrow "in the woods near the old Lockwood cellar next to the lake" I cry "I'm coming okay stay right where you are" she hangs up and I drop the phone onto my lap. Curling up into a ball knowing that because of Damon, I will spend the rest of my life turning over and over again. I now have blood on my hands and a hole in my heart.

Caroline walks over slowly and puts her hands on my hunched over shoulders "let's get you home Stefan can you hide the body" I look up red faced and bloodshot eyes to see his brows furrowed in sorrow and sympathy "I'm so sorry" Caroline stood me up and Stefan wraps his arms around me and I stand emotionless in his arms "I need to find Damon" I say emotionlessly and he separates from me and looks over at the body "Thomas....." he whispers "you know him too" Stefan nods "he was a friend of mine" he says "what did Damon do to him" I ask with tears in my eyes "he came back to find me. Thomas was my friend. He was human Damon didn't like that I was running from what I was. So he killed his wife ......and turned him" my heart aches "why didn't I see this before" he sighs "you were falling in love". He was right I was blinded by the fact that I was falling for him. He killed my father and I still let him back into my life. And now because of his selfishness I have to spend the rest of my life once a month turning into a beast. And I don't know how I feel towards him in this moment

I asked Caroline to take me to Damon and she walks me to the door "go home Caroline" I say before we walk in "Skye I don't wanna leave you" she says sympathetically "please just go" she sighs "call me if you need anything. Okay" I nod and she rubs my arm and walks away. I take a breath and walk into the house. Damon's not home when I walk in so I help myself to the bourbon on the side and sit by the still lit fire as my eyes swell with tears.

It begins to get dark and the door opens. Rose and Damon walk in and see me sitting there "there's my girl. How was your day" he asks walking towards me with a smile. But his face drops when he smells and sees the blood on me "what happened" he asks quietly "leave" I say towards rose and she does with her head bowed "Skye what's wrong" Damon starts to panic "I ran into an old friend of yours" I say in a low voice and he sits next to me "what who?" He raises his voice "Thomas..." I say and his face drops "what did he do are you hurt" he holds my face checking my body as I sit solemnly faced "he's dead" I say and his eyes tear up "how.." tears start to fall and he guesses what happened I stand up and get more bourbon to numb the pain and fear I feel "Skye... tell me you didn't" he stands with tears in his eyes "I had to.... because of you" he walks to me but I put my hand up "stay back" my lips quiver "Skye that was a bad time for me okay I never thought he'd come after me let alone you" I sigh "that's the thing Damon you don't think. You kill recklessly and the rest of us are left to deal with the consequences" he looks at me "this is who I am okay it's who I was. I was angry and upset Stefan chose him" he tried to defend himself "I knew you had a past Damon and I looked past all of that because you made me feel safe..." I start to cry "you promised you'd never hurt me... and your the reason I have too spend the rest of my life shifting into a beast and hunting..." I pause not knowing if I'm angry at him or at the world "Skye please okay I...I..love you. I freaking love you and knowing that I caused this hurts it hurts so much just please please don't hate me" he begs taking my hands and staring into my eyes "I'm scared" I sob "I know baby but we can do this okay" I choke on air "I don't wanna get hurt again Damon.... first you killed my father. And I forgave you. Then because of your anger I had to kill a man. I took a life" I cry. Still holding onto his arms to steady myself as tears fall from his eyes "I messed up okay I fucked up. But that was so long ago okay I'm not like that anymore" he pleads "why. Why are you different. Why do you care" I cry feeling my heart breaking "because you cane into my life and showed me what that light can do. You showed me that there's still some human deep down inside okay and it's because of you" I feel my heart get heavy and I don't know what to do but I start to feel weaker and I fall into his arms as he strokes my head "it's full moon tomorrow.... I don't think I can do it" I whisper "we'll get through this okay" he holds me as I whimper "I need to tell Tyler..." I say before separating from him hating the lack of warmth "tell him tomorrow okay it's getting late and you need to rest" he tries to lead me upstairs but I stop "I can't. I need to tell him I just need space" I back away from him "please tell me this isn't over" he looks broken

 I need to tell him I just need space" I back away from him "please tell me this isn't over" he looks broken

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I look at him and my heart throbs " I love you. And I dont love anyone Skye" he says softly "I think I love you too.... which is why it hurts so much that this happened. It's not over Damon. I don't know what I'd do without you okay. I just...I just need space. I need my brother" (yes Tyler is her cousin but they grew up together so they're like siblings) Damon nods and a flash of relief strikes his face as he steps closer and presses his lips to mine in a desperate kiss as my heart flutters and my pain calms. I know I'm falling. Hard. But now I have the power to kill the man I love. And I'm scared.

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