Rosaline... Scarlett

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After last night just after my secret came out Tyler came to me crying about how a girl called Sarah came at him and wouldn't stop so he pushed her in defense and her head hit his dads desk.....

he triggered his curse.....

after trying to reassure him i stayed with him all night to make sure nothing happened

we spent all morning moping around getting ready for the day and i finally decided on black skinny jeans my red low neck top and some black Chelsea boots all topped off with my favorite leather jacket.

after arriving at school Tyler walks away to mope alone despite me saying id stay with him and i go and find Stefan, as i spot him hes talking with Jeremy "so who has her" Stef asks " who has who" i say in response "Elena missing" he informs me "lets find Bonnie" i say in response and we all walk around to find her. we walk into Ric's classroom and Bonnie is already set up with a map and Jeremy "your blood related so it will work better" he cuts his hand and bleeds on the page, Bonnie chants and the blood moves across the page to a place called Eden "that's where she is" Bonnie points to the map "were gonna need something more specific than that" Stefan says and Bonnie just shrugs " its all I've got" we share looks " we can use a photo of the area and limit down where she could be" he suggests and me and Stefan walk towards the door "let me know what you can find" Jeremy follows "im coming with you. you cant go alone" i smile "he's not" i pull the handgun filled with wooden bullets from my bag that Ric had given me as a precaution.

we get outside and Damon's car is already there waiting, i slide into the backseat not saying a word as i haven't spoken to Damon about what happened last night, Stef asked me if i was okay but he didn't push. after a while of driving we stop to get gas and Stefan pipes up "can one of you just say something, this is to awkward even for me" he groaned as he got out "how are you feeling" he asks quietly "im not mad at you Damon.... yea im upset but i never knew the guy, i spent my life not knowing who or what my parents were like. I just wish you didn't have to find out about me that way" he sighs "did you really think i could hate you" he asks with a slight smirk "i should be so angry at you... i should hate you but i just can't and i don't know why" he turns round "im so sorry okay i never would have done it if i knew. i never wanna hurt you" i sigh " i know. im sure well be fine just for now i need to grieve what i could've had but didn't due to being so god damn stubborn" he nods "ill wait as long as it takes" he smiles at me before Stefan gets back in the car. we start back on our journey and i lean over putting my hand on Damon's shoulder for balance and turn the radio on.

we arrive at an old broken down mansion, "stay in the car" Damon whispers and i stay for a moment as i watch them stop and talk about whether or not this is a good idea, i roll my eyes and open the door walking straight past Stefan and Damon towards the house ignoring their whispers for me "ill be the distraction go... now" i whisper shout and they run around the back. i take out my gun and breath deeply knowing that what im about to do is the stupidest idea ive ever had i shoot myself in the arm with my silenced gun and hold back an ear piercing scream before putting the gun back in my pocket and stumbling into the house,i wipe my blood along the walls to lure them out. "where ever you are i will find you, you must know who i am" i hear a voice say and i swear I've heard his voice before, i peer round and see flashes go by, being Damon and Stefan i stay hidden he makes threats but i cant see his face, Elena comes to the top of the stairs and says she'll go with him, "what games are you playing with me" he asks right before she throws a vervain grenade at his face, he shrieks and walks closer to her and i can't stay back anymore "hey! you want a snack come get me" i yell in a taunting voice and he turns round to look at me "you....." he says before rushing to me " Scarlett..." my brows furrow "do i know you" his hand reaches for my face "hey, get away from my girl" Damon says proudly as the man turns around Damon impales him with a coat rack thrusting it into the door as the vampire desiccates around it. along with my hope of figuring out how he knew me

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