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Kylo stands from the edge of his bed and cautiously approaches Rey.

His jaw is clenched tight. "I don't believe you. You love your precious resistance. Why abandon them now?"

"They think I'm a joke, I told them that I wanted to help you join the resistance and they laughed at me. They said I'm foolish to think you will come back to the light." Rey takes a step toward him. He looks so tense. Like he's ready to ignite his jagged red lightsaber at any moment. His weapon still hanging from his belt, just a few centimeters from his fingertips.

He can see her eyes falling down to his weapon. He narrows his eyes. "You are foolish. The other side of me is gone, Rey. He is never coming back."

She looks up, back to his dark black fiery eyes. "I know that now."

She decides to reach for the force to feel his thoughts. He is curious but cautious. He is letting her use the force to feel his mind and yet, he doesn't seem to be bothered by it. His eyes are still locked on hers.

"And so you want to give up on the resistance?"

"Yes, they are beginning to distrust me. They say I have changed since I came back from the First Order. I believe they think I'm feeding you information of their whereabouts."

The edges of his mouth pull up into a menacing grin. "Oh force, that would be extremely helpful."

"No. Rey stopped Kylo before he could go any further. "I'm not a traitor. I won't give you any information and I don't want you to harm them. I just don't feel like I belong with the resistance anymore. I have been thinking about what you said before you took me to Snoke."

"About my vision?" he asks curiously.

"Yes. What you said before, when you said you saw me by your side. I want that now. I feel we are bond for a reason. I belong with you. Not the resistance."

Her words seemed to have done the deed. He looked very pleased with every word that was coming from her mouth. He clearly was enjoying this too much and it's making her sick to her stomach.

"My vision was very clear. You can reach your full potential by my side. You can become very powerful, Rey." His darkness is tempting and suffocating at the same time. She has to fight it. She is making sure she always keeps a strict barrier against Kylo Ren. She has to, especially when she is around him.

Rey nodded in agreement. A small sting of guilt crosses her mind. She is lying and betraying him, yet again. This isn't like her. She hates how she has to lie to him about how she really feels. Then she remembers seeing Han fall off the bridge after Kylo ripped his lightsaber out from his father's chest. The guilt was instantly gone.

"And what about the General?"

She waits a moment then responds. "The general Organa doesn't bother with me. She is too busy with the resistance to care to notice me."

"I'm not surprised. That's all she has always cared about. The Resistance." He spats.

"I just want to feel like I belong somewhere. I don't want to go back to Jakku."

He begins to slowly walk towards her, which forces her to back up against the wall again. He places both hands flat against the wall on either sides of her head.

He leans in slightly. "You will never feel alone again. I meant what I said. You mean something to me."

She tries hard not to look uncomfortable by his closeness. The last time he was this close to her, he was interrogating her on Starkiller. "Then let me join you."

Unbounded : A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now