Up in the Clouds

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Topaz was in his element, posted as guard upstairs in the upper storey, beside the wooden arched double door leading to the solar. He and Haxle were both on the same floor. Armed now with a dagger and dressed in the Green Rose Towers armour, he stood by this door. He came to recognise Limarh and his wife Shari, and some of the children although he couldn't remember their names. Often, these children were accompanied by other children, and he didn't know who they were, except that some of the servants lived in the castle with their children. He quizzed members of staff who came upstairs to the solar. Often, they were bringing news or food, or they had to deliver messages by way of silk scrolls and stone tablets. He understood who the servants were, and the maids and officials that went upstairs. To get through the door to the solar, Topaz would decide if they should be admitted first. He learned tricks by new friends Haxle, Koby and Nab. Those were about secret code words used by the guards of Green Rose Towers. It didn't take long for him to pick it up. During conversations, the guards used code words so that no one else could understand them.

"What is a platinum guard?" Topaz asked the guards earlier on in the gatehouse. 

"It's an elite guard of sorts in the castle," Haxle spoke through a mouthful of bread. "That one is reserved for the highest tower at the north-east. He guards the entrance to the private rooms of Limarh, and it's not in the solar."

He dwelled on that all day. He'd noticed guards pacing the battlements, around the bailey, along the corridors and courtyard, other rooms, great hall, the temple, the keep, and even on stairs. Some had crossbows, others lances, and swords. He was given only a sheathed dagger, because his position needed less weapon, which he didn't find logical. Solar door guards were the most armed in The Black Castle.  He could remember how Crow-Thorn issued each guard swords and Topaz wore this on his back. Haxle, Koby, Nab and others had swords. He didn't, and he wasn't new anymore. He wanted to let that go, and not stir trouble if he raised the issue or they will chop off his head. 

Topaz almost completed the hour at he solar door, and a servant had done with lighting the torches on sconces through the corridor and by the stairs. Like smoke, a pale maiden drifted up the spiral stairs from one of the ante room downstairs. He tensed, thinking it was a phantom, but the torchlight only shone against her white gown and yellow hair. She was the girl that he saw a few times with Shari and her daughters. This was one of her maids. 

"Topaz," she said in a soft voice. "I don't wish to see her ladyship. I'm here to find you."

He smiled and relaxed. He let go of the dagger. "And what brings you looking for me?" 

She slowly climbed the steps to face him. "The guards told me that you would be up here. My name is Zara. I'm just a maid, and want to walk with you."

He left his post for the hour was done. He found himself indulged with Zara's company. She locked her arm into his own, and they descended down the stone spiral steps, into the ante room, with white columns and thin arched windows with stained green glass. They emerged into a narrow hall where a group of musicians played for some of the children who were seated on cushions. Along the hall, Zara told Topaz she had worked at Green Rose Towers for many years, since her mother was employed there as a cook. Her mother died of the flux, and ever since then she was treated as a member of the household, and employed as one of Shari's maids. As she told her sad tale, Topaz wondered why she was leading him to the courtyard. They crossed over the trim blue-green grass, beneath a lavender coloured sky, and the bushes of large red, violet, white and green roses smelled pleasant and candied. 

Zara pointed up towards the north-east tower. "Have you heard of the cloud corridors?" she asked him. He gazed up, and saw that the north-east tower was much higher than all of the others. It was a castle built on top of a four hundred metres high motte, and the castle itself was stretched up to five hundred metres tall. The idea of being in the topmost tower made Topaz feel giddy. Zara continued: 

"Up there in that tall tower is a secret door. It opens out to a hidden place, that looks invisible as it's made of crystal glass. All across the sky are landings and strips made of crystal all leading to other castles. I've seen them. I want to show you it."

"Zara, we shouldn't do that."

"Oh, please Topaz," she said, but whispering just in case anyone should hear her. Topaz unlocked his arm from her and turned to head back to the gatehouse. He walked away and then Zara ran to him. "One leads to Kol Monz pyramid," she said. "Another reaches to Lucy Castle, and another to a mountain fort. Another goes all the way to The Black Castle in Moondome."

He stopped and looked at her. "Are you telling lies?" he asked.

Zara looked up at the high north-east tower, and then she said with a low voice. "Would I tell you that if it were a lie?" And she walked away.

Topaz watched her, and he didn't like the idea of sneaking around the private wings of the castle and entering secret doors. It felt wrong, and she was just a maid. He wondered if she were telling the truth and there was such a thing. He wasn't going to start looking for it. But she mentioned The Black Castle, and that gave him doubts about his loyalty. 

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