A new leaf

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"May the gods cherish you with love, Eloi!" Arasine cried, as if anyone on Blue Star would hear. She wept bitterly for hours after running from the Grass House, and went straight into the jungle, where the trees packed together almost making narrower spaces. At least it was a different part of the jungle. 

Curtains of vines and ferns whipped her as she ran headlong into the darkness, while her eyes adjusted only a minimal and that was thanks to the glowing fungi and fireflies. Soon, before dusk, she came to the bank where the Yellow Snake River bubbled softly with it's foam around boulders and rocks. The sand on its bed turned the river golden coloured, as it was a delta that came from the Dark Green Sea. The Yellow Snake River was flowing with saltwater fish. The water wasn't good to drink but she used a stick end to spear a tuna to eat. She found a small arched stone bridge going across the river where flying fish leapt about. At the other side of the jungle, the trees spread out into less density with wider spacing. The sight of monkeys playing on the ground meant that it was safe. She settled in a warm hollow beneath a giant kapok tree, and let the sounds of animals lull her to sleep. 

The following day, the sun beat down on her. She came to the narrow Tea Side Path, and followed it winding through the trees and out into fields. As she gazed at the view, the Tea Side Path vanished into the near distance. There were lush green hills, fringed by tall trees, and tiny buildings miles away. Along the horizon to the West were mountains. Far to the north was chequered farmland, slopes and a bright gleaming twisting trail that was the Silver Snake River. Her heart pounded with excitement and hope just to look at the amazing scenery. It was beautiful, and as she'd always imagined the country to be. She never once expected to become an explorer in her life, but she was forced to be that. It was hard, and she'd given up on hope. She didn't know where to go anymore. She wasn't wanted at any Grass House.

She decided to not think about the letter, the cruel words from the other priests, or the hostility she was faced with there. The north beckoned her and she was guided to keep going along the path. The hours passed, and the buildings grew larger. They looked like farm cottages and it was still far away. She continued along the path that went down a long steep slope but to her right, was a plateau with a small castle with walls of ivy, and a number of people cheering. A man's voice was shouting, and the breeze elevated his voice in her direction. 

"We will all meet our gods!"

Arasine was curious. She decided to have a closer look and to find out what was happening. The man who was giving a speech was in his sixties, with long grey hair tied in braids and ribbons. His skin was dark, and his robes were indigo and satin. He continued talking loudly, and everyone was listening to him. Arasine noticed that all of the people present in the man's audience wore blue robes. "In the wine cellar tomorrow night, the night of the Night Star!" The crowd erupted in cheers and they clapped their hands. "The Blue Path failed where we shall succeed! As we embrace the old ways, we shall be welcoming the gods return to Blue Star!"

Arasine was eager to find out why the man was talking about the Blue Path Faith. She got much closer, and stood at the back of the small crowd of onlookers. She stood out in her long dress of blue and yellow stripes. The man noticed her quickly and waved. Heads turned, and they now all looked at her. She felt suddenly afraid. "Er, excuse... me," she said, almost stuttering. "I'm s..so sorry."

"Nonsense!" the man yelled. "You're welcome to join our meeting! I see that you're a priestess of the Blue Path!" He had seen her clothes. 

"Not anymore," she said sheepishly, now slowly pacing backwards. "I have to go."

"Hold on!" the man called. "Most of us were in the Blue Path. Now all of us are a family of homeless priests!" Everyone laughed at that, but Arasine didn't find it funny. She was eager to run away. Yet they were priests and had been in the Blue Path. She was also a former priestess. Perhaps they could help, and they seemed dedicated enough, friendly and happy. She didn't flee, and she couldn't keep running away. She agreed to remain with them.

Later she was taken into the castle, and each of the one hundred and ten others had their own rooms. Many had tasks, and there was even running water and a working windmill behind the castle. Some of the former priestesses were heavy with child. It was a new commune, a sect, called the Blue Centre, destined for exiled priests and priestesses of the Blue Path Faith, but it was open for others from different beliefs. She was given a very small room, and some fresh clothes, and hot food. It was fish and roasted vegetables. 

The man was called B'dorico. He was their leader, the Father and the Founder of the Blue Centre. He spent much of his time talking to everyone, and very few people spoke to Arasine, but grinned and appeared docile, which was strange. Even the men, and most of them were strong warriors, lacked any self will. It was B'dorico who made all of the decisions. He even told them were to eat and when to sleep. Arasine wore the blue tunic, blue breeches and leather boots given to her by Bdorico and accepted his kindness. She couldn't stay but liked to be at the Blue Centre  for the Night Star celebration and it's meeting in the wine cellar, where the gods should appear. 

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