The Darkened Door

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Arasine was excited when she joined the many at the Blue Centre for the celebration of Night Star. There was so much food during the feast, that a lot of it made her feel sick just by looking at it. Most of the dishes were full of fish and fruits and roasted vegetables, pasta, rice, onions and pies, geese, rabbit soups, crabs, corn cakes, lemon grass and plenty of chocolate. Some of the bellies of cooked fish were sliced open to reveal lettuce and boiled maggots. Goblets made of red stained glass were filled with animal brains in spiced syrup. Burned insects dipped in sugar. Skewered worms and centipedes still alive and moving amongst chopped fruit that people bit into hungrily. There were meats arranged to look like intestines placed all over the table in reddened sauce. It turned her stomach, and she sipped only the sweet tangerine wine of Red Town and took a few nuts. The dining hall was dark and hot, with low light from the burning candelabras and fire pits that were cooking food still. The feast attracted a lot of the members and it made them happy and hungry. She was surprised, if not queasy, to see that a lot of the food had gone, even the most repugnant kinds.  

"I see you've decided to join our celebration!" observed a man, whose name Arasine forgot. "B'dorico is a generous man. He's given us all the food that the gods provided us because we're gifted with purity and love."

She ignored him, and then a woman turned her attention towards Arasine. "You look lovely, southern girl, Your blonde streaks have all washed out in your bath, I see!"

"It was only lemon and tea, yes. I'm grateful that B'dorico has given me a room and clothing here. He's a good man, with a generous heart." Arasine had agreed with this, because B'dorico certainly was kind to her and everyone else. He allowed her to stay for as long as she liked, but he really wanted her to join the Blue Centre. 

She wore a soft banana yellow coloured tunic made of voile, and a pair of white feminine leggings with the hem of blue and brown diamond patterns of the Blue Star faith.  Her hair was braided. Earlier that day, a sharp faced woman called Misha acted jealous of Arasine, who now stared at her with acid green eyes. Arasine tried to ignore her. Some of the males attempted to flatter her by bringing her wild flowers and small corn cakes. As a priestess of the faith, she turned their advances down and resumed her stay during the feast. But soon everyone was turned to B'dorico who led them down the stone steps, into the lower level and along a tunnel and into the wine cellar. Arasine was near the back, as she felt no rush to be there. 

"We will soon discover who the divine guest will be," B'dorico said, as he waved his arms and led over a hundred people down through the wine cellar, passing great wooden casks and barrels. It wasn't inside the wine cellar, but through a door passing it, in a wide open dark room of the basement. There was just nothing but a few stone pillars made of bricks, and a door to the far side of the room. Some men lit candles in sconces on the walls. B'dorico stood at the front of his audience, before a large nine foot tall wooden door that was bolted up. He hushed everyone present. 

It was hard for Arasine to see, but she stood in a corner to get a good look at him but it wasn't him the other people wanted to look at. B'dorico drew his attention to the door behind him, and he shook the bundle of keys dangling from his leather belt. People were whispering and gossiping. Soon, he used one of those keys to unlock the big door. and he pulled back the four bolts. He stood still, facing the door, and one by one, all of the people were going quiet. They waited. Arasine waited. 

Then a loud knock sounded on the other side of the door. People started to clap, then B'dorico turned to look at them and waved his arms. "Please, shush! We must be quiet, for a very important divinity is here. I shall open the door and we will greet one of our gods." He then turned the handle of the door and opened it. At first, only darkness filled the doorway, as he opened it wider and wider. Then this mysterious guest, who everyone had been looking forward to seeing, stepped out. "Welcome to our world, Ebeshka!" B'dorico said in a loud thrilled voice.

Arasine looked at what appeared through the darkened door. A sudden horrible coldness filled her body right then. She opened her mouth to scream, although no sound ever came out. It was as though her voice was frozen in fear. What she was seeing standing there in the doorway was no god she ever knew. The people got down on their knees as if in worship, while B'dorico remained standing in awe at Ebeshka. 

It was seven feet tall, this Ebeshka creature, framed by shadow. It's body and face was that of a woman, clothed in a dark grey mantle. Ebeshka's hair was long and dark yellow as amber. A part of Ebeshka that wasn't of this world, was the rest of it. On top of its head was an appendage that was bulbous, dark and covered in red eyes. Each side of that enormous growth on the thing's head were eight dark long thin hairy legs. 

Arasine turned and fled. She didn't recall how she got there but she was back in the dining hall, full of buzzing flies around the plates, scraps and uneaten food. She made a quick dash for the exit, and ran from the castle. Shouting was behind her, and men appeared on the battlements, who were members of the Blue Centre. Arrows whizzed by her as she ran, and she felt one skim over her shoulder and cut her flesh. Arasine tried to run as fast as she could from the members of the Blue Centre who were shooting arrows at her. She didn't know why they were doing this. She couldn't stay in there any longer. She tumbled down a slope, and banged against stones on the way down. Finally, she hit against a rock, and it stopped her falling. It was here that she found an arrow buried halfway into her right thigh. She cried then, in pain, and as the memory of the dreadful night stayed with her.

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