Moon Magic

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"Topaz of Nee Town, my loyal house guard at Green Rose Towers!" the loud voice of Limarh the wizard bellowed throughout the streets. Crowds of onlookers watched, and the city smells were too much for Jade. A page removed a magnificent sword from its sheath and handed it to Limarh, who stood before Topaz on the platform. "You saved the world from evil."

Topaz thought that he didn't do that but he tried to. It was the curious Rainbow Pillars that did that. He didn't say a word. He and Jade had been in Hillside Lake city for two days since the dreadful event with the demonic creatures. He didn't return to Green Rose Towers, but instead, he was quiet and stayed in a room at The White Lady inn. He also paid for Jade's small room next to his own. Then Limarh sent out a message for Topaz and Jade to meet outside the city clock tower for an extended awards ceremony. Limarh then passed the triumph sword to Topaz. It was the most beautiful sword that Topaz had ever seen. It flashed golden and white in the sun. The pommel, cross guard and rain guard were made of solid black gold with studs of jet. The entire blade was gold tinted steel with silvery patterns on the fuller. When Limarh slowly turned the sword, an image of a knight in full armour was reflected in the entire blade, and then was gone. This was a type of metal that contained pictures that only appeared in the briefest movement under a certain lighting. It was alchemy of the wizards.

"The sword now belongs to you, sir Topaz! You've been honoured the position as a Diamond Guard," announced the wizard, passing Topaz the sword. Topaz bowed, and felt completely stunned by this. A Diamond Guard was the most elite type of soldier with the privileges of a knight. It meant that he was a defender of the realm and added to history records.

"Jade of Apple Rock!" Limarh called out. Jade had been standing near the steps, wearing a fresh long white chiton. She waited to Topaz to return and didn't anticipate being called. She climbed the steps up to the platform and stood beside Topaz, who looked meticulous and handsome in his armour. "You helped sir Topaz in the fight against darkness. As a priestess of the Sky Lore religion, you took your vows of devotion to the faith. As it's an extra award ceremony, I grant you whatever your heart desires. If you want, we can arrange transport for you to return to Temple Jasmine or you may want to work here in our own city's Sky Lore temple." 

Jade quickly turned to look at Topaz, who appeared a bit sad. He whispered "I'm going to miss you" so quietly but only Jade heard him well enough because of her wolf senses. She spent so long as a wolf, that she was rekindling her humanity again. Thinking of Temple Jasmine made her feel claustrophobic. The place was haunted, and she was a different Jade. The other Jade, the priestess, had died on the Tea Side Path. She was given another chance to live and she didn't want to go back there. She cleared her throat and spoke up.

"I choose to stay here, but I want to leave the religio!" A loud gasp went around the audience, and Limarh was shocked. An old Sky Lore priestess that had been watching from the crowd, and she tutted in disapproval and walked away. Jade was anxious, then to Topaz held her hand to comfort her. Heralds blew trumpets to quieten the people and silence followed. Limarh was a little flustered, as he didn't expect Jade's decision to be this one. But it was her choice and he promised to fulfil it.

"Then you are freed from your vows," said Limarh and the audience clapped. 

After the ceremony was finished, they returned to the inn and sat in the common room. Jade was't feeling that hungry, and she agreed to drink some sweet wine, as plates were set on the table in front of them. Sizzling ox in cooked fruit and steamed vegetables with bread, fish cakes and chocolate.  

"Thank you, Topaz. You've been so kind to me," she said.

"You made the right decision not to go. I would've missed you so much."

Jade was moved. "I can't imagine not seeing you again, my dear new friend."

Topaz smiled. She was now managing to eat a small portion of the food while telling him about her life in the temple. Topaz listened, and studied her lips, eyes, her slender fingers and exquisite hair. He liked to watch her sipping wine from the cup. Then he stroked her arm gently and she felt pleasantly cool, and her flesh came out in goosebumps. She smiled at him and her eyes were absorbed with his. The room grew thick with merriment as punters got very drunk. Topaz took her hand, and gave it a kiss. 

Stars shimmered and glittered through the windows. Topaz and Jade entered the room, and he lit a candle and set it on a table. Then he went to Jade and held her, and kissed her softly on the lips. She responded, and wrapped her arms around him, and combed her fingers through his long hair. Topaz run his hands all over her and felt the curves of her body, and he was eager to make love to her. They quickly undressed, and there was a rising temperature in the room. They both embraced on the bed, and soon he broke into her, and filled her womb with his seed. She enjoyed every moment of it, for her body danced and swayed as he moved inside her. Soon they both slept. During the night, they woke up together, and made love again, for longer. By morning, Topaz and Jade woke up and were too eager for one another to think of breakfast. It was in Topaz that he knew that he was in love with Jade. And Jade didn't want to be without Topaz. 

During the afternoon, Topaz and Jade walked together along Stern Fish Street and came to a park, full of cypress trees, walnuts, redwoods and alders. A marble fountain bubbled with water, beside a grove of wisteria trees.  Here they sat down on the grass and kissed. Jade quickly let go and looked around. "What? Tell me what's the matter," Topaz was alarmed by her breaking off from their lovely kiss. He continued kissing her ears, neck, face and lips. She wanted him, although a familiar scent made her stop.

"Someone is coming," she replied.

Another couple appeared. The man wore dirty leathers, and his waist length blonde hair was tied back.  He held the hands of a pristine woman with dark hair and blue eyes, wearing a long white chiton. The same clothing that Jade wore. Jade stood up now, and the couple looked at her in surprise.

"You!" Jade said, pointing at the woman. 

"Me?" Arasine replied. "Do I know you?"  

"Yes, you came to visit Temple Jasmine on a horse. You helped defeat the goblins using mirrors! You're a priestess of the Blue Path."

Arasine smiled at the fond memory of this. It was one of very few positive experiences she'd had while serving in the faith. "Yes that's true. It was a while ago now. You must've been one of the priestesses. I didn't notice everyone there so I'm sorry but I can't remember you."

"You will because I was the wolf who sat outside. You called me sister, and asked me to go with you." At those words, Arasine gasped. No one else would've known that she said those things to the wolf. Arasine remembered it all now. She could remember that a priestess told her the wolf was a woman from Apple Rock.   

"That was you?" Arasine said, thinking how it was strange in a good way to see Jade as a woman. 

"It was. I'm no longer of the Sky Lore faith because I met sir Topaz."

The two women hugged. Jade could smell that Arasine was pregnant.

"Both of us are former priestesses who've reunited in this glorious city," Arasine said.

Hanzak laughed, and Topaz couldn't help but mention the obvious. "You look like sisters."

"Light and dark. Day and night," Arasine said.

Then Jade smiled and added, "wolf and fox."   

The End


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