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Same Mistakes


3rd POV

"Sometimes the only way to fix a mistake - is to make it twice." ~ Julianna Baggott, Girl Talk

        Meeting him was the best feeling she had ever felt in her entire life.

        He became the reason why she didn't give up.

        He became her everything.

        Little did she know from that time on, nothing would ever be the same.

        Not only tearing them apart, but along with it came secrets that would forever scar.

        It was so easy to fall in love with him, that's what she always thought about him.

        But how could she love the only person when he couldn't trust her enough?

        She thought everyone deserves a man who is willing to take care and love her forever.

        She thought everyone deserves a happy ending in their life.

        She thought everyone deserves second chances, because after all, we are just human beings.

        But those things only existed in fairy tales.

        If only he was there... maybe - just maybe - there might be a chance to fix what they had.

        But he wasn't.

        He didn't look back.

        He left her alone in this battle; a battle she surely wouldn't be able to win.

        It's all broken.

        Could they find it in them to look back and decide it's all worth it?

        Could they finally seek true love and peace in each other's arms?

        Or will lies, secrets and their unknown past threaten to break them apart?

A/N: Because many of you wanted me to post it already... TADA! I know, don't hate me yet with that very mysterious Prologue. This story is Mystery/Thriller and of course don't forget the Angst. The story will be heavy as we finally progress, so you might need tissues (just a kind reminder). So, see you as soon as I have the time to update. This story, however, will have SLOWER updates with long chapters. I hope you're all patient enough to bear with me again. :)

Please leave me your thoughts. I'm freaking out but also very ecstatic to hear what you think. I've been re-reading the Prologue for so many times, trying to see if it's really good. So please, please, please, do me the favor and comment now. ^-^

Same Mistakes (TwilightFanFic) *ON HOLD*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ