Chapter 3

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Same Mistakes

Chapter 3

Marie's POV

"We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives." ~ John F. Kennedy 

        "Ms. Dwyer?" an unknown man said through the phone.

        "Uh, yeah. Can I ask who's this?" I kept on biting on my lip. Horrible scenarios and chills were running up and down my body.

        "This is Police Officer Crowley, and I want to inform you that Mr. Dwyer had been in a car accident."

        Car accident. Car accident. 

        "Ms. Dwyer, are you still there?"

        "Yes," I barely heard my own whisper. 

        "I know you're panicking, but I need you to go to Saint Anthony Hospital as soon as you can." As the words came out of his mouth, I left the house in a rush, tears were streaming down my face.

        What if--? God, what if he's dead? It couldn't happen. I wouldn't let him die. I gave necessary instructions to the driver, and we're off in a flash. My hands were trembling, and I could barely contain my sobs. Maybe I looked miserable, but I needed to be there for Phil. He needed me, and I prayed to God that he would be able to survive.

        Thankfully, the driver stopped, and I handed him the amount, not even bothering to wait for the change. I had more important matters at hand than care for the change. I rushed to the emergency room, and the police officer stopped me, blocking my way.

        "Get away! I need to see him!" I screamed and thrashed and broke down in front of the man, but he couldn't seem to understand what emotions were inside me now.

        "Ms. Dwyer, calm down. The doctor will be out in a moment," he said gently, despite my actions towards him. 

        I sat on the nearest chair, burrowing my face on my hands, my body still shaking from fear and too much sadness. I felt like I would break in any minute if they wouldn't tell me what was wrong. Most of all, I wanted to know what had happened to him. Phil's a good driver. He didn't go over the speed limits, and he was always taking precautions. So why would this things happen to him all of a sudden?

        Moments later, as the police officer promised, the doctor came out of the emergency room looking sympathetically to me. Before he could even utter a word, I rushed to the emergency door, only to find it locked, but still, it didn't stop me from punching the door, screaming and crying. The police officer once again held me down, but I didn't budge. 

        "Ms. Dwyer, I'm so sorry. We did everything in our power, but it's dead on arrival," the doctor said softly.

        "No! There must have been a mistake! Phil can't be dead! He shouldn't be dead!" I yelled, and I didn't care how crazy and embarrassing I looked. 

        "I'm sorry, Ms. Dwyer." With that said and done, the doctor left, and I felt my whole being drowning in pure sorrow and hatred.

        I was still wailing loudly, and the police officer kept on holding me tightly. I didn't feel the tightness of his grip, nor the words he was saying to me; all I could think was Phil. Phil lying on a death bed, his body covered with blood. I needed to see him, no matter what the employees were saying to me. Why couldn't they understand that he's the only family I have?!

Same Mistakes (TwilightFanFic) *ON HOLD*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें