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There was once a girl- a sweet, innocently beautiful and caring young girl. This girl had everything she ever wanted- a caring mother and father, a gorgeous fiancee and amazing in-laws. But then the war came and her wedding was postponed so that her significant other could go off to fight, he wanted to fight- even if he wasn't old enough- and she wanted him to stay home where he was safe. And then he went missing one day and she thought she'd never see him again. She never stopped looking, perhaps if she had stopped she would never have faced the torment that came with watching the love of her life fall for another woman who was clearly using him. Gradually, the two females hatred for each other grew and it ended in a death sentence- so she fled and she found herself a new family. As time passed she quickly realised that she could never get over him even if her fear of death via his hands was majorly prominent, she found herself hoping and wishing to never have to see either of them again. However, Fortune was forever against her. The girls name was Scarlett Rouge, and this is her story.

Scarlett Rouge//Jasper Hale LSWhere stories live. Discover now