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~The Cullen Household~
"I'm telling you, I recognised her face from somewhere." Edward said.

"What exactly did she look like man?" Emmet chimed, "You were the only one that saw them before they hurried off."

"I recognised one of the scents, I do not know who-" Jasper started before he was interrupted by Carlisles phone ringing.

"Hello?" He answered. "How can I help?.... Okay, yes that would be fine. Would you like to come to us or..? .... Okay, We'll see you soon." Carlisle put his phone into his pocket and then looked at his family, "That was the other coven, they're coming here for a meeting to discuss some things with us. I have been told that only 3 out of 4 members are attending and that the reasoning for this will be explained when they get here. They will arrive in around 10minutes so be ready."

~Meanwhile at the Belmont residence~

"Thank you so much Robbie" Scarlett gave her vampire "father" a hug as she said this, she truly was grateful that he wasn't going to make her face her ex-fiance.

"It's nothing, dear. I know how overwhelmed you are. Are you sure you're okay with Christopher coming with us?" He replied.

"Yeah, cause I'll stay with you if you want Scarly, you know that." Lee pulled his little sister close to him and held her tight.

"I know Lee, but I've been thinking about ear wigging the meeting anyway. I'd prefer it if you were there, then you can put across why I'm not attending."

"You clever little thing. Of course, I have always got your back."

"Christopher! We need to go now, if you're coming!" Charity Belmont shouted from the garage.

"Coming! Call me if you need me Okay? I'll be there in a heartbeat"

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too."

And so they left. Scarlet waited a couple of minutes before shifting into a  small sparrow and flying to a tree close to the Cullen household. And there she sat waiting for her family to begin their meeting.

"Hello, you must be Dr Cullen, I'm Robert Belmont." They then shook hands, "This is my wife Charity, and my boy Christopher, my daughter so to speak is Scarlet Belmont and she isn't attending for personal reasons which will be explained later on."

"Please, do come in." Carlisle invited, "and call me Carlisle, this is my wife Esme, my daughter's Rosalie and Alice, and my son's Edward, Emmet and Jasper."

Christopher watched Jasper with caution, he hated to think that his little sister was hiding away in their house because she was afraid to die.

Edward watched Christopher as he was intrigued, he watched as the boys face changed every few seconds and was confused as to why he couldn't read his mind. 

"How's it going so far, brother?" Christopher was suprised to hear the voice in his head and gave a small nod to his "parents" to let them know that Scarlet was in fact listening.

"So, I understand that you have some concerns that you wish to discuss with us?" Carlisle began

"Yes, first of all. We'd like to know why you're here?" Chris started and Robbie gave him a look that said "be nice"

"I apologise for him" Charity sighed.

"That's Okay, it's a fair question." Carlisle replied with ease, "We recently moved away from Forks after an incident involving my son's mate but we moved back so that he could be with her again."

"Is your sons mate Isabella Swan, by any chance?" Edwards head shot up at Chris's question

"Yes, why?"

"Makes sense as to why she followed me and Scarly around like a lost puppy trying to gain an owner, and also the weird stuff she would say to us" Edward was about to reply but Carlisle silenced him quickly.

"Who is your fourth member? If you don't mind us asking?" Carlisle enquired

"Our fourth member is someone who I see as my daughter, her name is Scarlet Belmont and she isn't here because-" Chris cut Robbie off mid sentence...

"Our fourth member, my little sister, is Scarlet Destiny-Elizabeth Rouge Belmont and she isn't here because she is terrified that Mr Whitlock is going to kill her" Jaspers face dropped

"She's here? Scar is here?" He muttered in surprise

"Yes, and the second you become a threat to her I will kill you. She's been through enough over the last 150ish years. Do you know how terrified she is all the time? Constantly looking over her shoulder because she doesn't want her ex-fiance to murder her in cold blood due to his lovers jealousy."

"I'm so so sorry, I had no idea. I left her in 1898 and I haven't seen or heard from her since"

"It's not us that you should be saying sorry to" Charity quipped. She, along with her boys were all incredibly protective of Scarlet.

"Scarlet?" Chris said aloud and a little bird flew in through an open window and landed on his shoulder.

"Yes, Lee?"

"Are you ready, or do you need time?"

"You'll stay with me the whole time? Right by my side?"

"Always and forever Scarly, always and forever" the bird tweeted softly and flew next to him before shifting back to Scarlet.

"Always and forever Lee" she stayed close to his side and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Scarlet, I-"

"Don't Jasper!"


"Did you get my letter?" He nodded

"I keep it with me at all times, have done ever since that New born gave it to me"

"Then you'll know why I don't want to dwell" They looked around the room and noticed that almost everyone had left them alone but Chris.

"I don't know what to say Scar"

"Me either, I imagined this going a million different other ways and each time I ended up dead. It's actually how I met Christopher. I was running from you and Christopher followed after me. We've not been apart since."

"Practically attached at the hip" Lee smiled down at his little sister.

Jasper slowly stepped forward and opened his arms, but was held back by Chris's arm "Baby steps, Jasper. I don't trust you."

Scarlet looked up at Chris and sighed, "Can we go home? This is enough for one day." Chris nodded and then picked his sister up and sped them away.

A/N I'm sorry that this is a smaller chapter but I've been so busy with work and studies that I haven't had time to update. Thank you for reading my lovelies. ❤

Scarlett Rouge//Jasper Hale LSWhere stories live. Discover now