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~October, 1873~
I was wondering the dark woods when I smelt him, that musky smell that I once loved ever so much but now despised detecting as I knew it meant I had to run... i had wondered too close to camp again, I didn't mean to. It just happens, like my subconscious is leading me towards him. But I cannot focus on that fateful night where it was decided that I had to leave.

~December, 1871~
After sealing my letter in an envelope I found in the main house when I went snooping one day, I gave the letter to another new born who happened to be quite fond of me and gave her strict instructions to give the letter to the Major when Maria wasn't in sight and to tell him that I was sorry. I flew off after that and went to find a meal, I travelled far and wide but, somehow, I always ended up back in Texas.

~October, 1873~
There I was running away from imminent death when another threat was made clear to me, there was another vampire in the area. I had no clue who they were and didn't recognise their scent but carried on running in the same direction anyway from a lack of choice... id much rather be beheaded by a stranger than Jasper. However, it seems I judged the situation a little too quickly as although the stranger followed me, he wasn't trying to harm me... in fact he seemed more concerned about why I was running away.

I was distrusting so it took awhile of him following me around to tell him but he stuck with me ever since and well, we've been through a lot together and he's taken on the big brother role. Christopher is the only family I really have now, years later. Yes, we both have Robbie and Charity but they are more like older friends that keep us on the straight and narrow than family. Me and Lee have only gotten stronger through the years of being side by side, he's kept me away from that awful place and manages to distract me with activities that we both enjoy.

Scarlett Rouge//Jasper Hale LSWhere stories live. Discover now