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~November, 1867~

"Major" she whispered in his ear, "I believe Miss Rouge has become of age, it is time."

"Her talents would be entirely useful to us, darlin'" Jasper smirked.

"Do you believe that?"

"Of course ma'am"

"Then she may have another year"

~ December, 1871~

I began watching their conversations as a bird so that I wouldn't be caught. At this moment they were having the same conversation they've had every year for 4 years and I could tell that Maria was growing tired of Jaspers refusal to end my existence for her, this time was different though. Maria wasn't backing down and it became apparent that I now had a target on my back as she signed my death sentence. I fled to the barn quickly and began writing my goodbye letter.

My dearest Jasper,
                                I've spent five years watching you and Maria in "love". I cannot handle it anymore. So I'm going to leave, travel the world, see all the beauty that it has to offer. Maria has sentenced me to death and I'm not going to let her destroy my life anymore than she already has.... I won't die by your hands, my love. Don't be sad about my departure, I assure you that this isn't me closing the book on us, I'm merely turning the page and starting a new chapter, a chapter where you go about your life and I go about mine until, hopefully, one day we find each other again. We'll definitely see one another again throughout our eternity whether that be a glimpse as we walk on opposite sides of the road or a conversation, I'm not completely sure but I'm certain that I will see you again Mr Whitlock and when you finally see Maria for what she is, come and find me because I'll always be waiting for you, Major. I'll never stop loving You, nor will I ever forget about you, Jas. But I must leave, I'm awfully sorry that I couldn't say goodbye in person... give you one last hug before I flee for want of a better life, well,  a life in general.

I love you always,

Forever yours,

Scarlett Rouge.

Scarlett Rouge//Jasper Hale LSWhere stories live. Discover now