Chapter 5

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I stared up at my ceiling, laying on my bed, trying to relax before my big night. Unfortunately, that didn't last long when Layla and Bella came running in my room.

"Elaine what in the hell are you doing?! The party's in 3 hours! We have to get you ready!" Layla yelled while her and Bella dragged me off the bed and onto the floor.

"I really don't need that long guys." I said whipping my eyes from the half sleep I got.

"I'm calling bullshit! We need to do your makeup and hair. Plus we have to get ready!" Bella added.

"Ok ok let's go!" I said trying to sound excited. They grabbed a chair from the bar and put it in the bathroom for me to sit on while Layla curled my hair and Bella got ready. Once my hair was done, Layla went to get ready and Bella did my makeup.

"You're done! Oh my god Elaine you look beautiful!" Bella said and soon enough Layla came running into the bathroom.

"Damn sis you look hot! We're gonna have so much fun tonight! We got wine coolers for you and some vodka for me!" she laughed. "And I'm sure there will be boys there for you!" She winked.

"I'm just going to try and get through the night without any disasters. It's gonna be a stressful night more than anything." I added.

"Ahem that's why we have the alcohol!" She said and we all laughed. Bella never drank and promised herself she wouldn't until she was 21, but hopefully she'll let loose and have some fun tonight. Someone's got to.

"We need to get the dress. We have 10 minutes to leave come on!" Bella said.

"Ok the dress is in my closet and the hoop skirts right next to it and my heels should be there too." I told her as she walked out to get the clothes. When she came back, it practically took a village to get it all on me. The hoopskirt made the dress 10 times poofier which I didn't mind. After putting my heels on, we walked downstairs. My dad, Peter, and my mom all gushed over how nice I looked while I was trying to rush out of the house. Bella decided she would drive my Jeep and Layla helped me into the backseat. It wasn't so easy with how big the dress was. Once she got me secured in the seat she hopped up front and Bella started driving. I texted her the address so she could put it in the GPS.

"I'm so excited to go to your Uncle John's mansion Elaine!" Bella said.

"Yea me too! Maybe if I can flirt with him enough and we get some drinks in us he'll marry me and I'll be rich!" Layla added making us all laugh.

The remainder of the car ride was looking at the amazing scenery near his neighborhood. Most of his neighbors were also extremely rich and had big houses. None as big as Uncle John's though. I had only been there twice before tonight, to meet Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Those were such fascinating political evenings. It's hard to believe the same place where amazing presidential candidates once spoke is where my 19th birthday party will be. Once we got to the gate, the guard asked for our identification, but once he saw me in the back seat he let us right in. We pulled up to the house and only my parents and Uncle John were there. Thank god. I said hello to everyone and thanked Uncle John for having us and for hosting my party. He told me it was nothing and that I looked more beautiful than he could have imagined. I thanked him again before heading upstairs to wait in a bedroom to relax before all the guests arrived. Layla and Bella wanted to stay downstairs and help get all the decorations ready with Uncle John's staff. I didn't mind being alone for an hour, in fact I needed it. I went to the farthest bedroom and kicked my heels off. Sitting down in a soft chair, I grabbed the TV remote and logged into my Netflix account. I already felt bad for taking over his house for the night, I didn't want to use his Netflix account too. I decided on watching two episodes of The Office and two episodes of Friends before going on my phone, scrolling through Instagram for another 20 minutes. Before I could get to Snapchat, Layla and Bella knocked on my door before coming in telling me there was a line of guests outside. I looked out my window to see the beautiful orange and pink sunset along with a line with at least 200 people and counting waiting to come in the house.

"There's more in the house and apparently there's more coming." Layla said excitedly.

I continued to look out the window seeing more cars pulling up and parking around the block.

"Fantastic." I said sarcastically looking away from the window and walking out of the room with Bella and Layla.


Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! A new thing you now know about Elaine is that she's a very big democrat! Her political views are always present, and somehow gets along with opposite parties daily. Her heroes are politicians and war heroes unlike many girls heroes who fantasize over Justin Bieber. Don't get me wrong Elaine loves her some Kane Brown but that's her forever husband, not her hero. ;)

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