Chapter 59

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Hey y'all! I hope everyone's enjoying the novel! Elaine has arrived at her parents' home in Orlando, and is finally going to be able to see Peter play baseball. How will that go? Will she run into anyone from her past? Will she be judged with her pregnancy? Keep reading to find out! Also, please comment and give the chapter a like!


After a half hour of straight up crying, I had to pull myself together enough to be able to sleep. However, that was ineffective as I sobbed into my pillow for more than half the night.

The next morning, my alarm sounded off at ten a.m. to wake me up in time for Peters game at noon. Reluctantly, I hopped out of bed and brushed my teeth in my old bathroom. The only thing that had changed about it was the cleanliness. I was never one to clean my bathroom, a trait my mother disapproved of immensely.

After brushing my tangled hair from the night before, and washing my face, I walked downstairs to get some food. My mother and I hadn't talked about last nights argument, and I wasn't planning on it. I only had to get through today's game and spend my last night at the house. I expected to spend the game time with my dad anyway, since that was something we did since I was little. I could easily spend the rest of the night in my room or with my brother instead of going downstairs.

As I walked to get a banana and a bowl of oatmeal, I saw Peter in the kitchen and screamed. It felt like so long since I had seen him, even though it was less than four months ago. He looked like he had gotten taller, which was highly likely since he was in his growth spurt stage.

"Jesus Elaine what's wrong with you?" He jumped, making the both of us laugh.

I was so happy that Peter wasn't being the slightest bit judgmental or rude. He didn't say anything about my rather big baby bump, or the fact that Hunter and I were no longer together. He didn't ask questions or pry. At any other time I would have been annoyed by him, but I was loving his neutral company.

"Sorry." I laughed, going in for a hug.

"I'm gonna get you later, watch yourself." he warned humorously.

"I'm just getting some breakfast then I'll get ready for your game." I told him, seeing his eyes judge me in my pajamas less than two hours before his game. "I will don't worry."
"I never said anything." he threw his hands in the air.

"Your face said it all." I grin.

After sitting at the counter and eating my bowl of oatmeal and banana, I headed back upstairs to pick out my outfit and do my hair. Opening my suitcase, I pick out a tight grey long sleeve shirt with a low v neck, and a pair of light denim jean shorts. I wanted to keep my appearance simple, yet showing that I am not ashamed of my new life style. Sports moms were among the most judgy people out there, and I was not about to let them gossip about me, or what they thought were my insecurities. Walking back into my bathroom, I did my light natural makeup, only applying foundation, concealer, mascara, and a clear lip gloss. I knew it was going to be warm outside, and didn't want to look overdone or sweaty. When my makeup was done, I realized I had ten minutes to finish before we had to leave for the game. Quickly, I put my hair into low pigtail braids, and put a fire department baseball cap over my head. After grabbing my purse and putting on a pair of white converse, I headed downstairs. As I saw myself in the hallway mirror, I was extremely happy with my appearance. I was never one to drool over myself, but I was absolutely loving how I looked today. My baby bump was showing dramatically, and my hair and makeup looked simple but amazing. Grabbing my phone from my purse and putting my other hand under my belly, I posed for a picture to post on Instagram. Captioning it, baseball sister at thirty-one weeks, I posted it with a grin a mile wide, beaming across my face.

"Elaine what in the hell are you doing?" Peter caught me, making me jump in laughter.

"Well you got me back!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

I was returned with him mocking me as he pretended to take selfies with his hand. This is exactly what I had missed, and welcomed it with open arms.

"Come on y'all get in the damn truck we're going to be late!" My dad yelled from the garage, making my brother and I run to the truck. My run was more of a light jog, but it was the most I could do while being this big. I was about to hop in the front seat, forgetting that my mother was coming with us, when she yelled at me to get in the back.

Honestly, I was six months pregnant, could she not show a little sympathy? Rolling my eyes, I crammed into the tight space in the back seat. Buckling my seat belt, my dad started the truck and began to drive out to the baseball fields.

I hadn't been to this venue yet, and was excited to see what it looked like. The ride was shorter than I had expected, mostly because I kept myself busy by texting Layla and Bella about my rude, and unthoughtful mother.

After pulling onto the gravel road, we parked the truck and carried foldable chairs out to the fields. It was a little tiring for me to carry that all the way there, but refused to let my father take it from me. He had already been more than kind to me this weekend, and I didn't want to take advantage.

All the team moms saw me coming closer to the rest of their clique, and ran over to me, immediately rubbing my stomach. I jumped back on instinct, and was weirded out to say the least. I hadn't seen these women in at least half a year and they were rubbing my baby bump without even saying more than hi.

"Oh we're sorry it's just a mom thing." they all laughed as I tried to give a fake laugh, along with a sarcastic smile.

"How far along are you now?" one of them asked.

How about hi Elaine how are you? How is your job? How do you like Georgia? No, I am no longer Elaine to them, but carrier of Baelynn. However, I don't think I would want them asking any of those questions now that I thought about it.

"Six months." I smiled, trying to keep walking to the rest of the chairs so they would stop touching me.

"Only six months? Your bump is so big? Are you sure you're not having triplets?" one of the snotty women laughed. Twins has been asked before, but triplets was new.

"No just Baelynn." I sighed, trying to give a small smile.

"Oh that's her name?" a few of them said simultaneously, their voices full of judgement.

"Excuse me?" I let out a laugh a s I tilted my head.

"Oh no dear we didn't mean to insult you." they all laughed, sounding like cackling hens. "That's just a very southern name for you to pick."
"And what other type of name would I pick?" I asked, not even having to try to add edge to my tone.

"Oh I don't know maybe something that doesn't sound like it's straight off the farm." one said, making them all laugh.

Could they honestly not see I was standing right here? Normally, I would kick their asses, but I was six months pregnant and not wanting to risk anything.

"Elaine calm down dear we're just joking." they added, noticing my fists were balled at my sides.

"You can take your bull shit jokes elsewhere then." I smile at them, pushing past them and purposefully brushing their shoulders.

I tried to walk as fast as possible to get the hell away from them, but my foldable chair fell off my arm in consequence. Pouting, I picked it up and practically ran behind a set of bleachers, bumping into someone as we both fell to the ground.

"Dammit what the hell!" I yelled, not noticing who I was speaking to until a hand reached out to help me up.

The man was of Hispanic descent, had thick wavy hair on the top of his head, and was perfectly cut on the sides. His eyes were a deep brown that could cut you with one glance, and a face more recognizable than anyone I'd ever known.

"Jim?" I swallowed under my breath, staring at the love of my life for two years.

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