Chapter 33

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Hey y'all! I hope everyone's had a blessed day today! So, big news from the last chapter! Elaine has realized that she's falling in love with Hunter! How will the next few weeks go? Will she tell him? If so, when's the right time? Please comment and give a like to let me know your thoughts!


Hunter went home last night around 8 since he had shift tomorrow, and I had work. When I woke up that morning at 7, I decided to wear a black pencil skirt, a loose white top, and my nude pumps. I flat ironed my hair, and kept my makeup minimal, as normal. Right as I was about to leave the apartment, I realized I needed to get my new office decorations that came in from Amazon. However, when I looked for them, they weren't in the same spot, but I didn't have time to look for them.

I ended up getting to the firehouse a little before 9, making a good time. I walked in, not seeing Hunter in the living room with the rest of the guys. After saying hello to everyone, I walked in my office, noticing all the boxes of decorations sitting there waiting for me to set up. Hunter happened to be setting down a box, and when I opened the door I must have startled him, as he dropped the coffee table down harder than expected.

"Oh hey." he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"You're so sweet." I said before standing on my tip toes, leaning in to kiss him.

We were interrupted once again by the tones going off, all of the guys clapping and whistling as they walked by us. I laughed as we parted, hugging him goodbye.

"Come back to me." I told him, before he kissed me again.

"Promise." he said before running out of the room, getting into his bunker gear before driving away in the truck.

I hoped the call was minimal, and wouldn't get Hunter injured. Instead of dwelling on what could get him hurt or killed, I decided to organize all of my new office decorations. I put all the picture frames on the desk, and put the coffee table next to my desk. I was interrupted when I got a call from Layla.

"Is my sister alive?" she asked, making me laugh.

"She is." I said. "How've you been? I haven't talked to you in two days that's way too much."

"I know! I've been trying to give you time with Hunter, pluss.... I've been spending lots of time with Jacob." she laughed, and I could hear her winking through the phone.

"Whoaaa. I've spent some time with Hunter as well..." I added, making her scream into the phone.

"Alright! That's it! I haven't seen you in so long! This is what I'm missing!" she yelled, not making her point clear.

"What?" I asked.

"You're coming to Miami tomorrow! That's right I decided for you. You can spend the night tomorrow, and fly back the next day, so you can still go to work." she said excitedly.

"I don't know..." I laughed.

"Nope! I decided for you! I need to hear all about Hunter, and tell you all about Jacob in person!" she added.

"Ok fine." I laughed. "Still have my box?"

"Of course I still have your box. I'm looking at it right now." she laughed.

"Perfect. I'll take an early flight tomorrow k?" I asked.

"Yay! I'll be in class but I'll have Jacob pick you up at the airport." she said before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I was so excited to see her, and to finally be able to talk to Justin. Wanting to know why he was acting weird, this would be the perfect time for interrogation.

After getting back to work, inputting files into the computer and sending a mass amount of emails, I realized it was 5 o'clock, and time for me to go home. I wanted to say goodnight to Hunter before I left, and tell him about my trip I'd be taking. As soon as I packed up my stuff, I walked out into the living room, seeing Hunter cooking dinner in the kitchen. I walked in there, making him smile at my sight.

"Hey. I'm making pasta, you want some?" he asked.

"I wish." I sighed. "I actually need to go home and get some rest. I booked a flight tomorrow at 7 a.m. to Miami."

"Why the hell are you going to Miami?" he laughed.

"Layla's there. She wants me to come visit for the day. I'll be back for your next shift, and just in time for me to work." I said, giving a small smile.

"Well have fun. I wish I could drive you to the airport." he sighed, making me chuckle.

"Well you can certainly pick me up. Then, we can have dinner at my place." I said, pulling on his shirt before leaning in to kiss him.

"Brooks get cooking! I don't want any nasty germs on my food!" Henry yelled, making us laugh a bit.

"I should get going." I said, before kissing him once more and heading out of the fire house.

I spent the drive back, listening to my Kane Brown playlist. Pulling into the parking lot, I grabbed my bags and headed up to the apartment. I didn't need to pack anything since I had a box of clothes and toiletries at Layla's dorm. I decided to make some microwave mac n cheese for dinner, before heading off to bed.

The next morning, I got up at 5 a.m., struggling to get out of bed. I put on light makeup, and a pair of black leggings, a light pink crop top, and white sneakers. The drive to the airport was long, and tiring. When I finally got to the airport, I parked my Jeep in the parking garage. Walking into the main airport was a struggle as everyone was hurrying onto their own flights. I had 30 minutes to get through security, get my ticket checked, and get on the plane.

I ended up making it just in the knick of time, most likely because I only had my purse with me, and not a suitcase. Thankfully, I got a window seat, sitting by myself. The flight was only an hour and a half, and was over before I knew it.

When I got off the plane, I walked outside, seeing Jacob in his new black car.

"Dang look at you!" I laughed as I hopped in.

"I know I just got it." he laughed along.

"How are you?" I asked as he started driving to the dorms.

"I'm good. I'm so happy to see you! It's been too long!" he said.

"I know. It's been a little while since my 19th birthday party." I laughed.

"Yea. What are you doing for the holidays? I hear you have a new boyfriend." he winked.

"I do. His name's Hunter. He's a lieutenant at the firehouse I work at, and he's actually my neighbor." I laughed.

"Does he make you happy?" he asked seriously.

"He does." I smiled.

"Good." he nodded.

"So... I've been hearing you've been acting weird." I said. "Wanna tell me why?"

"You must've heard that from Layla." he laughed. "I've been trying not to act weird."
"Why is that?" I asked.

Before he could even tell me why, he pulled a ring box out of his pocket, flashing me the most gorgeous diamond ring as we pulled into the dorms parking lot.

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