Chapter 39

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Hey everyone and welcome back to Faster than the Night! I hope everyone's had a blessed day today! So, Hunters mother does not like Elaine at all, and is currently kicking her own son out of her life. Will she keep to her stuck up ways, or will she eventually come around? How will Elaine's parents feel about the news? Keep reading to find out! Also, please give a like and comment!


The next two months were a bit difficult. Hunter was working with Bayfield in his construction company, which meant I didn't see him during the days too much. He ended up staying at my apartment most of the nights that he wasn't on shift. We talked about moving in together, and decided to stay at my apartment until the baby came so I wouldn't have to move my things. Once the baby came we would move to his place since it was on the ground level of the building, and we wouldn't have to carry strollers up the stairs. I was now twelve weeks pregnant, and my belly was definitely showing. I had been wearing very loose clothes to work and everywhere else, but now was the time to tell everyone. We had to tell my parents.

"Are you excited to wear clothes you like now?" Hunter asked, pushing my chair in at the restaurant we went to for dinner.

"Definitely." I laughed.

"Well you've been ordering maternity clothes the past few weeks, I can't wait to see them." he winked. "Although you've been breaking the bank."
"Well we're growing." I laughed, rubbing my baby bump.

He smiled as he handed me a menu. I was still sticking to my vegetarian diet for my pregnancy, but that didn't stop by baby bump from growing. I had thought it would make it smaller, but that was a joke. Hunter being six four probably had something to do with it.

"Have you thought about how you want to tell your parents?" he asked me after we ordered our drinks.

"Maybe inviting them up here? I don't want to do it on the phone." I said honestly.

"I agree." he said as he nodded his head. "Are we going to tell the guys tomorrow?"

"Well when I show up in not such baggy clothes they're probably going to ask some questions." I laughed.

"True true. What about Chief? Aren't your dad and him close?" he asked, making me think about if he would tell him.

"Yea but Oldan will respect my privacy. Plus, maybe we could invite them to come this weekend. Tomorrow's Friday so they could probably drive up then. I'm sure Peter would like to miss a day of school." I laughed.

"That works." he added. "Cravings kicking in yet?" he chuckled.

I hadn't even realized that I was staring at someone's piece of chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. I wanted to eat that so bad, but refused to.

"Nope." I lied.

"You know it's not going to hurt it right?" he told me.

"I want the baby to be as healthy as possible." I said back as I rubbed my bump.

"A piece of cake won't hurt. Just saying." he hinted before he gave the waiter our orders of a Caesar salad without chicken, and a full rack of ribs with a baked potato.

After we ate, Hunter paid for our food and we walked out of the restaurant as I stared at the cake stand at the counter.

"You sure you don't want a piece?" he asked as he laughed.

"Nope." I said, realizing I had stopped us from walking out of the restaurant.

"Let's go home." he chuckled, opening my car door for me as I stepped in.

When we got back to the apartment, I got my shower and put my pajamas on while Hunter waited in my room. I decided to wear my small cotton shorts and Dunder Mifflin shirt. The baby bump was clearly visible, and I knew I'd have to get new pajamas soon as well since it was getting tight. Too tight. I sighed as I walked back to my dresser, trying to find a bigger shirt.

"You need one of mine?" he laughed, noticing a small part of my bump was hanging out of the shirt.

"Please?" I laughed along as he got up to his portion of the dresser, pulling out an Atlanta Fire Dept. shirt and handing it to me.

I laid back in bed and snuggled into Hunters arms, as he rubbed my baby bump lulling me to sleep.

The next morning, I noticed Hunter wasn't in bed due to his shift. I got up excitedly since today was the first day I would be really showing at work. Also a bit nervous of what people would say, I decided to wear a tighter dark grey dress that had a lighter grey belt right above the bump. After curling my hair and putting on minimal makeup, I put on a pair of grey heels and headed out the door. I was genuinely happy to show off my bump, and hoped no one would react negatively.

I hopped in my Jeep and drove to the firehouse, playing my Cole Swindell playlist on the way there. To think this baby was conceived on the night of Cole Swindell's concert. The photo of Hunter and I was still both of our screensavers, and I loved it. In that one picture, it showed the love and devotion we had for each other. I decided I wanted to frame it before parking the car in the lot.

I started to get more nervous about my bump and began to panic. I could see Hunter outside by the rescue truck, waiting for me. He was so kind. When he saw me sitting in the car with my hands still on the wheel, he walked over to where I was parked as I rolled my window down.

"Nervous?" he asked, putting his hand on the window as I nodded.

"Come on." he said as he opened my door for me, taking my hand in his. "We'll do it together."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and stepped out of the car, wrapping my arm around his.

"You're really showing." he smiled, placing a hand on my baby bump before opening the door for me.

All of the guys stood up when we walked in, Hunter standing right behind me, holding my hand. No one could say anything, just stare. I thought I was beginning to feel uncomfortable before Henry yelled for the chief. I could feel Hunter tensing up behind me, but tried to calm him down by giving him a small smile.

"What is it Henry?" he asked, walking in to see my bump.

"Elaine." he gasped as Hunter wrapped his free hand around my waist for comfort. "You're..." he said, not being able to find the words.

"Pregnant." I spoke for him.

"How far along?" he asked. I could tell he didn't know what to say.

"Three months. Hunter and I are very excited." I said, giving a small smile as I tried to lighten the mood before Henry destroyed it.

"Way to go Brooks..." he clapped his hands. "Knocking up a nineteen year old great job buddy." he said, Hunter stepping in front of me, bowing up to Henry.

"Henry you shut your goddamn mouth or I'll kick your sorry ass." he spat.

"Hunter." I grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back.

"You won't. Your lady friend has you all soft." Henry laughed, making the whole house tense.

"Maybe he won't." I said, stepping in front of Hunter. "But I damn sure will." I said fiercely.

"Oooh mama bear's coming out." he said, raising his hands in the air.

I was about to take a swing at him, before Oldan stepped in the middle of us.

"Henry my office now." he said sternly as he looked at me as if asking if I was ok. I nodded, as he took Henry back to his office.

I looked at everyone who was staring at me, and went to walk to my office before slamming the door. Hunter came in shortly after.

"You ok?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"I don't like him." I said, referring to Henry.

"I don't either. But Oldan's got him for now." he said, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. "I love you." he added, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"I love you too." I sighed, looking up at him with a small smile.

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