Feelings return.

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First day of UA. Izuku was ecstatic that he got in, almost forgetting about the blonde chasing him around as he ran. "Kacchan, no!" He squealed as he ran into the 1-A classroom, hiding behind the already tired looking teacher. "Alright, alright, go sit down students." His voice was monotone. As Izuku scanned the crowd, his eyes stopped on a certain red head as they made eye contact. Wildfire meeting grass. "Eijirou...?" His voice was quiet and shy as he inched to his seat. "Kiri?" He reached his hand out, met by a flinch and silence. "Izuku?" The greenete nodded. The red head latched on. "I'm so sorry I left you. I'm sorry." He ran his hands over the boy's face "I live with my dad now."

(Here is a sneak peek.to the next chapter!)

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