Chapter 2 Calder - Home is Where the Heart is

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Calder lifted his head groggily as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. Blinking slowly as he made his way out of his room in a daze. It was still very early but his older sister, Reef, had already left the house. Probably off to do some more training. He made his way down the hallway and towards the kitchen. He reached into the cupboard and pulled out a bag of Ortomitz and began to chew on them as she began to prepare school lunch for his little sister, Bonnie. A few minutes later, Bonnie skipped into the kitchen. Her freckly face grinned up at him as she turned and went to go sit on the counter.

"Hey." Calder interrupted his sister. "What did I say about sitting on the counter?"

Bonnie looked down at her feet. "Don't do it."


"But Calder! Where else am I supposed to sit?"

"At the table like everyone else. You may be adorable but that still doesn't mean you can sit on the counter."

"UHHHHHH" Bonnie whined as she sat down at the dining table.

Calder set a plate of Ortomitz in front of her cooked just the way she liked it. Bonnie's light blue eyes fell on the food hungrily. Calder smiled as Bonnie consumed her breakfast greedily. Her short, curly, blond hair getting in her way of her ravenous eating style.

Once Bonnie was finished, she dumped her empty plate on the counter and dashed for her room to grab her school bag. She emerged in a singlet, frilly skirt and a bandana to keep her pesky curls out of her face. Her school bag had a picture of 'Super SeaWeed' a popular kid's superhero at that time. Calder ruffled his sister's hair as she dashed for the door.

"Have a nice day!" Calder called after her.

Once Bonnie disappeared out the front door, Calder made quick work of the dishes and made his way back to his room. He pulled on a sleeveless shirt, some knee length pants and a bandana similar to keep his sisters to keep his own curly blond hair out of his face. Once his was dressed he made his way to the door and locked it behind him.

Calder turned to face the bustling city full people moving gracefully through the streets. He looked up at the dome surrounding the city. The dome was used to keep the water out of their beloved city. His Father used to say that his people moved under here many years ago to protect them from the rest of the world. When Calder was little, he used to worry that the dome would collapse. But his Father had assured him that it was the strongest thing he would ever come across. The thought of his Father brought a smile to his lips. Calder pulled his eyes away from the dome and back down to the city. Small lanterns filled with glowing fish illuminated the city as Calder made his way towards the church. Calder travelled up the grand steps and towards the beautiful church he visited every day.

"Ah, Calder my boy. How are we this morning." A cheery voice greeted Calder at the door.

"Good morning Bishop."

"Back again I see! You're just as dedicated as your mother."

Calder chuckled light heartedly.

"I don't think anyone could have been as dedicated as my Mother, Sir."

Calder made a quick bow as he scurried into the cathedral. The walls and ceiling depicted beautifully detailed pictures of Akira Savan, the patron of the ocean part of the water clan. It was said that the original water moonstone had four children, once the first moonstone died the four children spilt the population of the water split into four. Calder made his way through the cathedral the stories within the paint, as he finally made it to his favourite spot in the church. A small room which his mother used to host condolences in. There was a small altar which hosted the sacred book, the Katran. Calder knelt in front of the altar and clasped his hands together.

"Savan bless our souls and bring us to the light. Protect the people dearest to the ones who follow you. May we bask forever in your glory. Blessed are your words. Amen." 

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