Chapter 8 Dewdrop- Let the Rain Fall

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She sits up. The little girl's bright blue eyes which seep into a gentle green look around as she sighs and smiles. She's inside her box. Specifically, a rectangular cacoon on water in which she rests in. Dewdrop giggles as she gently shifts the water cacoon with a swift of her hand as she gently stands up and gets out of the water yawning slightly. Her eyes pan around the small alleyway in which she's chosen to rest. It's simple yet hides her well from the world outside. The young girl gently picks up her satchel which was next to the box as she wonders out to the world.

Alleyway behind her Dewdrop searches through her bag again finding the exact same items. With a gentle giggle she closes it and begins to skip down the streets of her city. People walk past her glancing at the small girl with the long blue flowing hair. She may be in the Rain city with water clan however, not many people are happy to be here. Most were separated from one of their parents, with the water child not even knowing who their other life giver was.

The four decaquad old seems to have no idea of the looks others are giving her for the young one being cheery, for the girl acting like nothing happened, for Dewdrop to be this young and taking care of herself in a city where parents abandon their child. The reason for the abandoning being so unclear to all others yet this little one seems to be taking it lightly. Little do others know, Dewdrop has no idea what happened. For as soon as she was alive- she was put into the streets hopefully never to be seen again.

"I'm happy as I am... Just happy as I am..." The small child begins to quietly sing as she skips through the lonely city.

From the last count of people only 15 known children live in the water clan half of the city with 23 living in the air clan side.

"I'm singing in the city... The city full of fun..." Dewdrop continues to sing with a bright smile planted on her face.

The wishes of the small child are to live in a world where she gets to make friends. Where people would be nice to her. The reality is everyone sends glares and throws pieces of unwanted fabric or leather at her in attempt to stop the only happiness in the city of rain. Yet in the rain there's always a sun. And in this case- Their sun is four decaquad old child who turns those fabrics into clothes and turns those glares into the looks of friendship in which she wants and holds dearly.

"It's whewe the wain nevew ends... In the wowld of glum..." The small girl continues to sing not noticing the words as she skips through the city of Rain. The city of gloom. The city where they let the rain fall... The rain fall from their eyes... The city where people cry over the loss of someone they never knew.

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