Chapter 12 Dewdrop - Caught in sight of Freedom

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Dewdrop hears a yell from behind her turning to see nothing but another empty street. Something's not right. The young girl had been skipping down the streets for a while and soon stopped at the edge of one of the long stretches. She looks out to the view in front of her. A large bubble holding the whole city in with below them being the air holding them up from water far below. Behind the giant bubble in which she lives are hills and hills of green, rivers running through them and the freedom yet horrors of the outside world.

"In the city... In my city..." The young one continues to sing the end of the song as she looks down at her shoes fidgeting. Whilst moving her toes the young one manages to see holes in her shoes making a mental note to fix them later. "In a wowld whewe clouds and wain... whew wain and aiw... whewe wegected and neglected... awe fwiends..." She finishes with a soft smile having no idea of what those words actually meant.

Suddenly, a hand pulls her away from the edge and shoves her to the ground. The small water child looks up with another smile as she tries to get to her feet.

"Hi! My name's De-" Dewdrop begins getting cut off by a hand over her mouth.

"Is this her?" One of the people ask. The larger one to be factual. He's wearing a dark blue cloak which is hiding his features with his voice sounding deep and covering of anything around it.

Dewdrop turns her attention to another person next to the blue cloak. This one was a woman who was wearing a brown drape with blue streaks through it. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail and is tied back with a blue ribbon. Her face is hidden with a scarf like mask.

"Yep... That's her... The little rascal..." The woman says, glaring at the smaller girl.

The four decaquad old moves back slightly, gripping more onto her bag.

The man sees this and pulls the bag away from her opening it up. He lets go of the tiny one and starts to tip everything out. The fabric falls from the bag landing on the slightly wet ground with her spare change falling out and the book falling next to it.

"That's it!?" The male asks shaking the bag before throwing it back at Dewdrop.

She quickly grabs the bag and begins to fill it again thanking the fact the case of the human book didn't fall off. The man walks off. The smaller children sighs in relief.  

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