Chapter 15 Glacie - Propaganda is often misleading

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After the events of the previous night, the three had taken the now not so dying man into Calder's house, to hide him from Reef. Glacie didn't like him being in the house. Not at all. Pirates after all, were evil and highly dangerous. She'd tried to impress this fact to Calder and Amirah, but they didn't seem to care about much more than they had saved a life. She gave herself the 'duty' of watching the pirate's every wicked move. If he decided to quit the act, the only person who would be ready was her, Cal and Ami didn't seem concerned and Reef and Bonnie weren't aware of his presence. So, it was up to her and Bal to protect them from this fiend.

Because of her near constant watching of this mystery man, she had stopped going outside and playing with Bal. She had stopped trying to help around the house, not that it ever did anything constructive. She had almost stopped watching cartoons with Bonnie, she couldn't quite put a halt to it entirely. Instead, almost all of her time was committed to staying in the attic, where they had put the villainous captain. Calder had explained the situation to him, and he begrudgingly agreed. With compensation in the form of stolen rum of course, Calder wasn't told about that part. The three children had been sneaking him leftovers and water, not that he drank it much with his supply of booze. For the most part, life for everyone had continued as normal, or as normal as it could get with the ice child, who fell out of the literal sky, being involved.

While Bonnie, Calder and Amirah were at school and Reef at work, Glacie would watch the foul pirate in the attic. So, there she sat, arms crossed and scowling, a cold mist replacing her breath as she glared at the rather board man in front of her. There were multiple occasions where he had tried, and failed, to make some sort of conversation but all he got in reply was yet another icy glare. But today, this didn't deter him from rambling about his 'oh so dramatic' life.

"I've had it, I want to leaveeeeeeeeee! This sucks! URGHHHHHHH, I killed my mum on accident, my sister dies at the hands of some hot Earthan lass and then I get cursed and shot! I've never been shot before this; I was a lucky charm before this here zapnargin curse."

Again, all she did in reply was scowl even darker at him.

The swinging and slamming of the front door brought Glacie to alert, nobody was supposed to be here apart from herself. The pirate didn't count, nor did he notice the sharp noise as he continued his verbal autobiography. Glacie stood briskly, glad of a reason to leave the degenerate who was too caught up in his venting to care. That or he just didn't care in general. After a morning of constant ramblings from the nefarious 'captain' she was unusually excited for this unusual turn of events. As she made her way cautiously to the door, thumping footsteps sounded from the stairwell, moving nearer to where the attic's entrance. She creaked the hatch open slightly only for a thoroughly annoyed Reef to pull it down, sending her crashing with it. With a jolt, she scrambled to her feet, only just level with her, Ash's voice still emanating from the now opened attic hatch.

"That better not be who I think it is." The older girl hissed darkly, making Glacie's previous scowls look comical in comparison. Reef grabbed at the latch that would let down the slightly rickety ladder into the storage space in the ceiling. She climbed up somewhat stiffly, Glacie following close behind. Now seeing that he wasn't alone with the quite frankly, terrible company of the ice child, he stopped his ranting and stared blankly at her with mock confusion.

"Why am I not surprised?" She asked exasperated, crossing her arms in blatant disapproval.

"I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but they didn't listen to me!" Glacie burst out, a slight frantic tone in her usually bright voice.

"Personally, you are both terrible company." Ash interjected evenly, the whole situation was ever so slightly amusing.

The two girls both shot him a dirty look. He shrugged and went to staring to the ceiling, board once again as Reef and Glacie left the room, the icen doing her best to explain why the man she had turned away was in the attic. Whilst not exactly pleased, she was at least 'ok' with his staying. So long as he would leave as soon as he was healthy enough. And that he would not come back.

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