Chapter 5 Ash - What even happened to plan A?

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Ash slid his hand through his hair as he gazes in the window of a café, the warm lights lit up the wooden seats covered in red cushions which are sat neatly next to oak tables that filled the room. A polished stone benchtop was covering a glass cabinet which held pastries of all sorts.

His hands dug back into the deep pockets of the jacked as clutched onto the few coins he had left. His little stash of money in his shirt was spent on rum of course and now thanks to his irrational actions he had only three golden coins left. Ash signed in desperation not knowing what to do or where to go next, he had lost his sister, she was the one who made all the decisions.

Unlike his sister, Ash wasn't always super organised. His quarters in the ship were a complete mess, his pockets were always filled with the most useless junk and he never threw out the empty bottles from the cellar. Then of course there was his powers, he had no clue on why he has them, but he does and so he's gotta deal with it. The side effects of the 'flashing' everywhere was a substantial pain in his stomach, it hurt like hell and every pain killer or medicine he tried wouldn't do a thing. So, he drink his worries away, the alcohol numbed everything.

Over the weeks he got used to being constantly high, it was hard being sober because after a while the pain would return. He couldn't take much seriously when drunk at first but after practice he got used to controlling his at least 20% of his actions. The other 80% was, well let's just say strange.

On the return to his home, 'the ancient cities' or 'original cities' as others called it, he noticed nothing had changed. Well, that's the way they like it right? The mayor, his father, his father before him and well their whole family were all Mayors. They liked to keep everything 'original' meaning they wanted to stay with the simple and old ways of the first tribe in the water clan. The mayor of the ancient cities obviously hated the leaders of the other 3 tribes, the rain tribe, ocean tribe and ice tribe. The other tribes are all evolved versions of the ancient cities, well except for the rain tribe, they just wanted to work with the air clan. Ash didn't particularly take sides on the huge wars that raged over his planet, that's what he liked about being a pirate, you don't take side you just take other people's stuff. It was great!

Even though he didn't think the cities as his home, he always came back here to take a break from his whole pirate career. That didn't mean he didn't steal, he always would nag a few coins from an unsuspicious victim.

Taking a few steps back from the glass window his head snapped in the direction of a loud rumbling, a very familiar one. Every ship has a certain purr that it would make while starting up, and that purr was most definitely his. He had been on that ship long enough to be able to identify it anywhere. But how could the ship start running itself, he had no crew left, or maybe someone got onboard.... dam someone's stealing his ship!

Ash went from a slow walk to a speeding along the stone road trying his hardest to reach the edge of the forest in time, yet he was too late. Before the bushy tree's even came into view his ship, the Moon Serpent, went flying right over his head and he stood still half in awe and half in rage. How dare some steal HIS SHIP!

He started running after the serpent but eventually slowed and came to a stop completely out of breath, damn he needed to go to the gym more. He knew he would never get her back by himself, he needed a crew, he needed a crew he could trust.

"Time for plan B," Ash sighs knowing he would need to visit some old friends for this to work, that means he's gotta go to the Ocean Tribe, dammit. Hang on, there was no plan A so how is there a plan B? 

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