Chapter 13 Ash - Collectible Dolls

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The night was young, he had much time left so for all he knew nobody was coming back for it any time soon. The end of his long leather jacket dripped still wet with the salty water he not so long ago dived in and his light grey shirt wasn't so light grey anymore as splashes of red were thrown across it, creating a painting that only reminds the soul of loss and pain. His vibrant blue eyes scanned the clunky and raged shape of broken guns, the slightly cracked tinted glass and the burnt metal that lined the engines. This ship looked awful, yet he knew it was once quite glorious and beautiful. Wait no... that's a bit of a stretch, it may have been nice.

A warm glow was spilling out of the hull and down the ramp, he was drawn into the mysterious machine like a moth to a lightbulb. The inside was damp and smelly, the floor was covered in muddy footprints which trailed throughout the maze of cluttered junk and the stink of rotting fish lingered in the air, there was most likely some dead barramundi sitting behind a pile of ammo somewhere. Eventually he found himself standing in in the middle of the cockpit which also filled with the most useless rubbish, the dashboard covered in blood stains, the floor littered with candy wrappers and the shelves filled with... super seaweed figurines?

Damn, this guy was worse than Ash.

He glanced under the dash and found a dusty green duffle bag that looked stuffed to the brim, of course this peeked Ash's strange interests and he pulled it out just to find it weighed way more than he expected. He set it down onto the driver seat and unzipped it with ease, yet to his surprise there was no super seaweed comic books, no more candy wrappers and not even one dead body. He had hit the motherload, this unsuspicious Earthan coloured fabric bag was filled with weapons of all kind. There were numbers of staffs, swords, blasters, rifles, shotguns, mini machineguns, knives, darts, zappy things that he couldn't remember the name of and a single tissue box.

Then it hit him, what ever happened to Azura's knives?

Both hands immediately reached for his belt, his two guns were still hooked on, one either side. Yet the guns were the only things he had with him, except for the flask of whiskey he had tucked away inside of his jacket and the coin bag, which was hanging around his neck, he had carelessly left Azura's precious knives on that stupid space bus. Oh, as soon as he gets his ship back he will find that girl and he will get his sister's knives back.

A determination filled up inside him and a shine glistened in his eyes, this ship would do for now, all he needed was a crew to get back his own.

A rattling hum of the engines filled the air, the flaps that were positioned symmetrically on the curved wings folded down and the hull door shut with a small bang. The dim lights shone out into the misty night only to witness a small portion of the docks and the greatest ocean known to Children, finally the legs flew up and the aircraft was left hovering above the ground.

The engines blasted blue flames and the ship zipped across the seas creating one huge gust of wind that made the ocean dip down and spit out water either side. The shadow of the machine cast down onto the shimmering blue surface that lay below it as the speed increased. The pressure on the engine was extremely high, everything could go 'kaboom' any second now, yet Ash knew what he was doing. He had done this too many times before. He pushed the wheel forward and the nose of the ship dipped down, crashing into the water, yet he didn't pull up or even flinch at the waves that crashed into the windscreen. The ship continued in a straight line, diving deeper and deeper into the depths.

A large fish past only to be followed by an even bigger fish, which of course was followed by a shark. Yet a growing glow scared them away, in the distance large domes were visible, they provided strong lights that Ash needed in order to guide the ship down this far. The engines seemed to churn at the sight of civilisation as they drew even closer, now shops, streets, houses were visible. The ship slid through some sort of air trap and entered the large dome, he drove into tall yet wide alley ways until he found the perfect spot to park. It was usually were he parked his own ship, so he wasn't 100% sure if this piece of zapnarg would fit, anyhow he drove forward.

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