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Shortly after meeting him, Kyoya knew he was attracted to Tamaki. Well, it wasn't that simple. When it started, Kyoya knew he felt something towards him. His chest always felt tight and his heart started pounding at an alarming rate when Tamaki hugged him which happened often because, well, it's Tamaki.

He had guessed that it might be a crush and after further research, he found that he was correct. He refused to call it anything other than attraction because that was bad enough. Saying that he "liked" Tamaki in that way made his heart ache.

He chose to ignore these feelings for obvious reasons. Kyoya was fully aware that his family was homophobic, which was fine because Kyoya had no intention of telling them or anyone for that matter. Plus, there was the Host Club (and his fangirls would be heartbroken).

He didn't even know why he was attracted to Tamaki. He was so loud, outgoing, and idiotic, to say the least. For half a second, part of him thought "opposites attract" but he quickly pushed that thought away.

There was no way Tamaki would feel the same. For one, as far as anyone knew, Tamaki was straight. Secondly, if and when, Tamaki falls in love, it would most likely be with someone almost as cheerful and passionate as himself. And that certainly wasn't Kyoya.

Kyoya didn't want Tamaki to feel the same in the first place, he simply wanted to get over it as soon as possible. Or rather that's what he told himself.

This was a lot to handle, even for someone like Kyoya so he wrote it all down to organize his thoughts in a notebook. The first few pages were dedicated to explaining that, he was indeed gay. He filled the next several pages trying to figure out why it was Tamaki of all people, but the more he wrote, the more deeply he fell into these feelings.

Now, Kyoya was rereading the first few pages in his room at his desk when his phone started ringing. He sighed and made his way across the room to retrieve his phone. The caller ID read Suoh Tamaki. He decided to pace in the hall while talking to him. He didn't like Tamaki and the notebook to be in the same room, even if it was over the phone.

Little did he know the rest of the Host Club was up to something. A few hours earlier, Tamaki announced to the rest of the Host Club that he wanted to steal Kyoya's notebook to see what he was always writing in it. But what Tamaki and the rest of the Host Club didn't know was that Kyoya had multiple notebooks.

After Kyoya left the room, the Host Club sprung into action. Mori, who had been keeping watch outside of Kyoya's window, gave the signal. The Hitachiin Twins hurried up the ladder and into Kyoya's room. This was definitely one of Tamaki's craziest plans.

"Wow, Kyoya's room is really clean," Hikaru mumbled while looking around.

"Look, I found it!" Kaoru pointed at an open black notebook on Kyoya's desk. He went to grab it but stopped short after seeing what was written, "Hikaru, look at this!"

Meanwhile, in the next room over, Kyoya quickly caught on to that fact that Tamaki was stalling. As the twins kept reading, Hunny appeared in the window, "Get out here quick! Kyoya is-" he ducked down as Kyoya walked in.

"Just what are you doing in here?" It was impossible to tell what he was feeling behind the mask he puts up. Kaoru had hidden the notebook behind his back, but Kyoya instantly noticed that it wasn't on his desk where he had left it. He sighed, saying "I know you have it, just hand it over."

The twins glanced at each other for a moment before Kaoru held it out to him. "The boss wanted to know what you were always writing in your notebook," Hikaru started.

"If we had known it was something like that we wouldn't have taken it," Kaoru finished.

"I see. How much did you read?" Kyoya asked, struggling to stay calm.

"Only the page it was open to," they answered in unison.

Kyoya grabbed another notebook from his school bag and gave it to them. "I believe this is what you are looking for. I do have a question for you though, how did you get in here?"

"Mori and Hunny," they responded simply.

"In any case, I suggest you leave."

As the twins made their way out the window, Kaoru couldn't help but ask, "So who do you like?"

Kyoya pushed his glasses back into place, "What makes you think I have feelings for anyone?"

"How else would you know you're gay?"

Kyoya did not answer as he watched the twins leave. He made sure to lock the window before putting the notebook in the back of a drawer. Kaoru, or at least he thought it was Kaoru, had a good point. They were clearly on to him.

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