Harsh Reality

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"Then how about we go somewhere else," Tamaki was not giving up.

"I don't think-" but it was too late. Tamaki was already dragging Kyoya out of the room. Kyoya heard his father's footsteps as he and Tamaki continued towards him in the hallway. He quickly shoved Tamaki off him before his father walked by.

Once they were out of the mansion, Tamaki asked, "Why did you push me away?"

"I didn't want my father getting any ideas," Kyoya pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose and sitting on a bench.

"What kinds of ideas?" Tamaki sat next to him.

"Seriously, how dense are you? I haven't told him about anything in the notebook," Kyoya sighed.

Tamaki frowned, "Why not? Isn't that the type of stuff you are supposed to be able to tell your parents?"

"They're homophobic, Tamaki."

"Oh..." Tamaki wasn't sure what to say, "Wait so you pushed me away so he wouldn't think you liked me in that way?" he said, surprising both Kyoya and himself.

"Well yes," Kyoya shifted uncomfortably.

"What are you going to do in the future? You are going to have to marry someone eventually and what are you going to tell your father then?" Tamaki blurted out.

"If and when I marry someone, it will be arranged by my father anyway. I suspect that it will be a woman from a powerful family with plenty of money," Kyoya explained. As much as he hated to admit it, he had no control over who he would be spending the rest of his life with.

"But why? If that's not what you want, then why don't you do something about it?" Tamaki didn't want his best friend to suffer.

"Because I can't. My father would say I'm a disgrace to the family name and disown me," This was the harsh reality Kyoya had learned to accept.

Tamaki didn't know how to respond to that. He knew Kyoya had a hard time proving himself to his father, being the third son and all, but he never imagined Kyoya would be dealing with something like this. Suddenly, it came to him, "Then live your own life while you still can!"

Kyoya gave him a confused look, "What?"

"Seriously! Have you even had your first kiss yet? What about your first relationship?" Tamaki jumped up, trying to prove a point.

Kyoya stuttered, "Well I um..."

"You won't be able to do these things after we graduate so do them while you can!"

Kyoya quickly tried to hide how he was really feeling with a smart remark, "You haven't had those things either so stop telling what to do."

"Kyoya, that's different. I have time to do all this-"

"How do you know that? How do you know it won't get ripped out from under you when you least expect it?"


"You might have a time limit and not even know it."

"Fine then! We both will do everything we can for the rest of high school!" Tamaki said, proudly.

Kyoya looked away and muttered, "I can't."

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