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The next day was like any other apart from having to ask the twins for his notebook back. There was nothing but numbers in it anyway. There were only a few minutes left before the club would be closing for the day and no one had said anything to Kyoya about what had happened.

This, however, didn't stop the twins from sneaking glances at him, clearly trying to see if Kyoya was staring at anyone. Because of this, Kyoya refrained from taking to Tamaki throughout the day. Tamaki took notice of this. He assumed Kyoya's strange behavior was because he was mad at Tamaki.

Kyoya was writing down his last notes as he was walking out of the club room when Tamaki ran after him, "Hey Kyoya! Wait up!"

Kyoya could here Tamaki's energetic footsteps chasing him. He debated ignoring him, or even running away, but that wouldn't solve anything. Tamaki would get to him, one way or another. So instead, he turned to him but didn't meet his gaze, "Yes?"

"Well, I was just wondering if... are you ok?"

Kyoya was a bit taken back. Unless he was showing how frustrated he was, no one ever asked him if he was alright. This is because Kyoya always counseled his emotions so there was no need for anyone to be worried.

"Uh yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Kyoya hid his surprise well, but Tamaki saw through it.

They started walking side by side as Tamaki said, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I heard about what the twins found."

Kyoya resisted the urge to flinch. He wasn't sure what to say. He certainly had not wanted Tamaki knowing about it, "Oh."

"Don't worry, no one outside out the Host Club knows. We are totally supportive of you. I was surprised, to say the least," Tamaki stopped walking and turned to Kyoya, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Kyoya stiffened. Tamaki looked hurt by the fact that his best friend didn't tell him about his sexuality. Kyoya resumed walking, struggling to pretend this didn't bother him in the least, "I didn't think it was anything worth talking about."

"But Kyoya, you should be able to tell me these things," Tamaki tugged on Kyoya's arm.

Kyoya pulled away, "You don't need to know everything about me."

"But that's the thing! You don't tell me anything! I can never tell what you're thinking or what's going on with you!" Tamaki frowned, showing Kyoya he was serious.

"Maybe there's a reason for that!" Kyoya snapped. His heart broke a little, seeing how Tamaki looked almost scared of him. He sighed. "Look, Tamaki, I'm sorry. There are just some things that I'd rather keep to myself," With that, Kyoya began walking to the limousine that was waiting for him.

Tamaki suddenly reached out to him and hugged him from behind, "Still, I want you to know I'm here for you."

Stolen Heart (Kyoya x Tamaki)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora