Let's Talk

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At first, Tamaki thought Kyoya just needed space so he let him be. But as the weeks went on, he found himself missing Kyoya more and more with each passing day. He began to think Kyoya was just ignoring him. Was he still mad about the notebook thing? Or was it when Tamaki confronted him about it?

Tamaki laid on his bed on a Saturday morning, trying to come up with a solution. It was all just so confusing. Kyoya was such an intricate person, it was just so hard for Tamaki to figure out how to help him. Then he came to a conclusion: He doesn't need to figure it out on his own, he can just go up to Kyoya and tell him that they need to talk! It was that simple!

Tamaki grabbed his phone and sent Kyoya a text.

Kyoya, who was sleeping in because he stayed up studying all night, woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating. He sleepily grabbed his phone off his nightstand to see who had texted him. It was from Tamaki: "hey kyoya!!!! i'm coming over in a few minutes so don't be surprised!!!"

Instead of being angry, Kyoya simply sighed and got up to clean his room up a bit. The first few times Tamaki did this Kyoya was indeed frustrated but his unexpected drop-ins quickly became a normality.

Kyoya had just finished changing when Tamaki bursted into the room, "You could have at least knocked."

"Ah, sorry but I just couldn't wait to see you, Kyoya!" Tamaki smiled, energetic as ever, and sat next to Kyoya on the bed.

Kyoya, trying to keep his composure, responded, "What was the rush?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Kyoya felt his heartbeat quicken, "And what's that?"

"What's going on with you? You've been acting weird around me ever since the notebook incident! I am really sorry about what happened and I hope you aren't still mad," Tamaki stared at the floor.

Kyoya without thinking lifted Tamaki's chin so he would look at him, "Tamaki, I was never mad at you. That notebook is just very personal but I understand it was an honest mistake. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was upset, I assure you I wasn't."

Tamaki looked up at Kyoya with a pained look in his eyes, "But you have been acting weird around me even before that! So what is it, what am I doing wrong?"

Kyoya pulled back a bit, "Wrong? You're basically perfect. And it's not intentional, I don't mean to act strangely. I can't control it..." he looked away.

Tamaki was surprised by how vulnerable Kyoya looked. He actually looked... really cute. Tamaki shook his head, now was not the time to be thinking about that. He still didn't understand why Kyoya acted this way only around him, "What makes me different from everyone else?"

"So many things but I don't know..." Tamaki noticed how Kyoya hesitated like he was withholding information.

"You do know! I can tell!"

Kyoya debated whether he should tell Tamaki or not. Maybe if he told him, he could start to move on. But what if he didn't? What if it got worse? And what would Tamaki's response be? What if his father found out? This, Kyoya decided, was not the place where he would tell Tamaki, "It's not something I wish to discuss here."

"Then how about we go somewhere else." 

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