King Toshinori

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3rd POV

    Izuku woke up, at first, he forgot why he was there, then all the memories flooded back. He got up and got back into his clothes. He headed out of the room. It was so silent. He didn't even see Iida. "excuse me, do you need help?" The green haired boy jumped. He quickly turned and saw a maiden behind him. As she began apologizing, he interrupted her, "It's okay, can you show me to wear the king may be?" She nodded, "Yes, he's in the dining room, having his morning tea." He thanked her and headed to where he hoped was the dining room. Surely enough King Toshinori was there. He sipped his tea quietly looking out the window. The view showed the entire kingdom. It was gorgeous. The King jumped when he heard Izuku walk in. "Oh, you're awake! Great! No time is to be wasted." He got up and gestured towards a door. "Let's talk privately, is that okay?" Izuku nodded, still amazed that the king is actually in front of him.
    They walked into the room, It was smaller than Izuku's but still bigger than his room at his home. He sat down in a golden chair and put his bag next to him. The king sat behind a desk and smiled at the green haired boy. "Okay let me ask you a question. Do you know The monsters?" He asked. The monsters were rouge vicious creatures. A group of criminals wanted in every kingdom ruled them. "Y-yeah," Izuku responded and the king sighed. "I've never seen anyone make friends like you. It's like your power." Izuku smiled at the compliment. "Now you can deny and but soon the monsters might attack. I think we need to be friends with all the neighboring kingdoms if we having a chance to hold them back. Now I'm not asking you to become friends with all the kingdoms, but I am asking you to become friends with all the kingdoms." He sweated as he waited for Izuku's response. Izuku hesitated, so you want me to go around to kingdoms and make friends with them?" The king nodded, "Yes, out of everyone here you are the one I feel can do this." Izuku felt as if he couldn't and the king had too much faith in him. "A-are you sure?" He asked. King Toshinori looked him straight in the eye, "I've been surer" Izuku smiled at the comment. "So are you in?" The King asked. "Yes!"

~ Time skip again cause I'm lazy~

    The king smiled and patted Izuku. "Here. Take this." He handed him a map that showed all the kingdoms. "This is going to be very useful." He chuckled. Izuku opened the map, it was gigantic. "S-so how long will I be out there?" Izuku asked. "I would say about a month or two." He casually answered. "A MONTH?!?!" Izuku freaked out. "Or two, but don't worry I will tell your mother everything, no need to fret." Izuku couldn't help but freak out, a whole entire month or more away from home. But this is for his kingdom so he was going to do it. Anything to help the citizens. The King smiled at Izuku, I have a present for you, young boy. He handed him a knife. The blade was beautiful and seemed to glow. "This blade is special, and when truly needed, will be more powerful than you can imagine. Take good care of it." Izuku took it and steadily held it. "I promise I won't let you down." Izuku clenched the sword and began his way into the woods.

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