Uraraka and Izuku

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Izuku made his way out of the castle and began his journey. He started on a narrow path through the woods. He had to make his way towards the dragon kingdom. *nervous laugh* "The whole kingdom counting on me, to make friends with ALL the kingdoms," *nervous laugh*, "No pressure." Izuku silently panicked as he walked through the trees. He decided to take a break for some water and sat near some berry bushes.
He took a sip from his water and examined the map. "The Dragon Kingdom seems to be the best place to stop first. Though, it seems that they are pretty aggressive so I'll have to be careful, for sure." Izuku began mumbling on and on about the best opportunities and the fastest routes.
A few minutes later Izuku heard footsteps. He was at a point in the woods where there was a corner, so he couldn't see who it was. He panicked and hid behind the berry bushes. He put a hand on his sword and got ready. The steps kept getting louder as they moved closer. Izuku peaked through and saw boots. They seemed familiar, so he looked more. He saw the face, "Uraraka!" Izuku whispered. He put away his sword and got up from the bushes. "Uraraka! Hello!" Just then Uraraka reached behind her and pulled a gun. It was aimed straight for Izuku's head. "WHAAA! Uraraka!! It's meee!!!" Izuku put his hands up and closed his eyes.
    "DEKU?!?!?" Uraraka dropped the gun and hugged him. "Oh my gosh, you scared me so much!" Then she backed up and slapped him, "Oww!-"
"You scared me you, idiot," her eyes started to water up, "I could've killed you, y'know!" She cried. Izuku was too shocked to really react. "I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized. She wiped her eyes and stepped back. "H-hey, Uraraka. U-um, I was just curious, h-how did you know those moves? With the gun and stuff." Her eyes got wide when he asked. "Oh that. Don't worry about that. Hehehe." She quickly grabbed the gun and hit it. "Sooo whatcha doing in the woods?" Uraraka tried to change the subject. "I have to do something for the king. What about you-" "Ooo! Can I come with? Please, please, please." She interrupted him and started to beg.
    "I-i don't know, it's pretty dangerous. I have to get ALL the kingdoms to become friends with ours." Izuku explained. "Oh come on!! I promise I won't get in the way, only help. PPpplleaseee." Izuku hesitated. He could use the help, after all. "F-fine-" "yayayayy!!!!!" Uraraka jumped up and down. "So where are we going to now?"  Uraraka asked. Izuku pulled out the map and showed her. "There." She looked at it uneasily. "The Dragon kingdom? Isn't that super dangerous?" Izuku shook his head yes, "You can change your mind any time." Uraraka shook her head no, "I don't give up that easily, you know me Deku." She clenched her fists. "let's do this!"

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