Just Beginning of the Journey

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Bakugo's POV

That nerd hugged me?! That's all I could think about. UGH! I just need to let it go. "Wait! What's your name?" I demanded. He turned around with a smile, "Just call me Deku." Does he want to be called useless?? Well whatever, it fits I guess. "OK, Deku." He smiled, "Thanks, Kacchan." He left back for the room with the round face girl. Kacchan?! What kinda name is that? I guess it's fine... Whatever. I put the drawing back on my desk and grab a backpack that I'm guessing is Deku's.

I walk into the second living room and threw the backpack onto Deku's face. I snickered, "You ready, extras?" The round face girl was frowning. I could tell she doesn't like me. Oh well, who cares. "King! Here you go!" Raccoon eyes(Mina) and dumb hair(Kiri) showed up with a few bags full of things. I grabbed the bags and looked over to Deku. "Let's go." I walked out and Deku and Round face followed.

"So what's this dumb plan of yours?" I asked. Deku smiled, "Well, now time to go to the fire and ice kingdom. As we headed out I heard the most annoying voice, "BAKUGO KATSUKI!"







"Whatever," I said under my breath. I walked over to her and stood in front of her. She hugged me and I rolled my eyes. "At least pretend to miss me!" She huffed. I sighed and hugged her back. UGH, this is so embarrassing. "Now be careful and-"

"Yeah yeah. I gotta go now." I interrupted her. She smiled, "Bye!" I turned around and headed back for the nerd and round face. "Bye, king!" I heard sh***y hair and Racoon eyes say. "Yeah," I replied. I heard my mom in the background say, "That's just his way of saying he's going to miss you a lot." I rolled my eyes. And me and these extras started making our way to the icy-hot kingdom. Hey, that's a funny name, I wonder how he'd react if I called him that.

3rd POV

"The kingdom isn't too far away!" The green haired boy jumped up. Uraraka smiled at him, "Yes! I hope this goes by fast."

"You can't be that stupid, You do realize that the map isn't actually scaled, right?" Bakugo scoffed. Izuku smiled, "I know, but it's a lot closer compared to the other castles."

"That doesn't make it close. We will be there in about 1 week." Bakugo drank from his water bottle. Izuku looked at him in aw, 'He's so smart' Izuku thought. Uraraka saw how Izuku looked at him, and she got jealous. 'I don't like this king' she thought. "Hurry losers, we need to find a place before night," Bakugo shouted. Izuku nodded and walked faster. Uraraka didn't listen and just thought to herself. "Hurry up round face!" The spikey blond shouted. She huffed and caught up to them. Izuku smiled at Uraraka. She couldn't help but to forget every reason she was mad. She blushed and smiled back.

A few hours past and the sun started to set. "Guys look! There's a good spot." I pointed to a tiny flat area. "It's on the edge of the cliff." Uraraka nervously got to the spot. "It's the only flat place in these miles and miles of trees," Bakugo said as he threw his backpack down. She gulped as she looked down the mountain. Bakugo threw the biggest and fluffiest blanket. "H-hey! Kacchan. Do you have any extra blankets?" Izuku asked. Bakugo growled and threw smaller blankets at them, "You went on a massive trip, with no blankets?!" Izuku and Uraraka caught the blankets. "Yeah...sorry. Thanks, Kacchan."

"Yeah, thanks Kacchan!" Uraraka said. As soon as she said 'Kacchan' Bakugo flared up, "Only Deku can call me that." Izuku blushed. Uraraka got defensive, "I'm sorry, Deku-kun just called you that so I assumed-"

"Just call me Bakugo," Bakugo interrupted. She huffed and threw her blanket down and got on it. "Also, Round Face," Bakugo looked over to her, "Why do you call Deku, Deku? Isn't he your friend?" Uraraka thought about it, "I don't know, I just called him that since I can remember. What about you? Isn't he your new friend, or whatever?" Bakugo had a sly grin on his face, "because he is useless."

"Hey!" Izuku said in defense. Bakugo laughed. Izuku started thinking about when Uraraka first started calling him Deku, "It probably came from you, Kacchan."

"The name. If we were really friends back then than most likely Uraraka got it from you." Izuku explained. Bakugo lost interest a long time before he finished, "uhu yeah sure." He said as he went through his backpack.

The sun was almost fully set. Izuku and Uraraka were exploring near the little camp, while Bakugo lied and watched the sunset. "Guys! Look at these!" Izuku had a hand full of different flowers. 'He's so cute' Uraraka and Bakugo thought at the same time. Bakugo immediately started freakin out. 'Why am I thinking this?!' He Wondered. Uraraka ran over to Izuku, "Those are so pretty, Deku-kun."

"Thanks!" Izuku smiled and looked over to Bakugo, "Kacchan! I want you to have these!" He ran over to Bakugo. "Why?" He asked. "I wanna thank you!" Izuku gave them to him. Bakugo blushed but tried hiding it. "Yeah, whatever." He put them on his bag.

Uraraka was frozen. 'Why him!? He's been nothing but rude to Deku-kun.' She thought. She went over to them and sat down. "Isn't the sunset so pretty?" Izuku smiled. Uraraka nodded yes and leaned against him. 'Why am I freaking out, it's not like he's gay... Right?' She thought. Everyone slowly drifted off to sleep. And the night settled.  then we heard *snap*. All of us jumped up. 

~Hiiiiaaa guys also I was thinking I'm gonna try to post every Friday and Tuesday. Anyways I hope you enjoy this story. I wanna ship Uraraka with someone but I'm struggling w who. I think ima do Tsu but if people want something else then ill do that. Anyway, have a good day!!!!!!~

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