Mina and Kirishima

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"Let's do this!" Uraraka pulled Izuku along the path, "Come on no time to waist!" Izuku smiled, he definitely felt a lot safer with someone else coming along. "So where is the kingdom? It has to be close, right?" Uraraka asked and took Izuku's map. "Well, we will probably be there in a day." She nodded in agreement.

Uraraka's POV

I was so thankful Deku-kun let me come with him. I figured it would bring us closer. And yessss, I know I shouldn't have a crush on him and I should be focusing on other important stuff. But I can't help myself!!!! His eyes are so shiny and pretty. Ugghhhh I really need to stop. "Uraraka?" Deku-kun broke my train of thought. "Y-yes?" I asked. "We should stop now. It's getting late, we're almost there, though. Tomorrow we will make it to our first kingdom!" I smiled. Deku-kun always looks so cute when he's determined. AHHH WHAT AM I SAYING!!! (lol totally me when I'm with my crush-author)

Deku's POV

We set up camp and settled for the night. We layed there on the ground and stared up at the sky. The stars are so pretty. "H-hey. Deku-kun, are you awake?" Uraraka asked. I turned to look at her. "Yeah." Uraraka blushed, "This is going to be our first real lil adventure together." I nodded my head yes, but too tired to answer. Soon we drifted off to sleep.

~time skip~

I woke up slowly and saw Uraraka sleeping soundly. I didn't want to wake her up so I got up as quietly as I could. I went through my bag but I realize I didn't pack enough. Just some leftover food from last time I went adventuring. I sighed and closed my bag. Hopefully, the people in the dragon kingdom will be friendly enough to offer food. I looked at Uraraka, she was soundly asleep, but I didn't want to wake her. I took out the map and studied it. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done, but I hope I can make my people proud.

Uraraka's POV

I woke up to the sound of Deku mumbling. I blushed, though sometimes people got annoyed. I thought it was really cute. "Good morning, Deku-kun." I said still laying down. "Oh! You're awake! Oh, wait did I wake you?!" Deku-kun apologized. "Oh, no no no. I woke up on my own." I said as I lifted up. As I got up I welped, "Ugh, I'm sooo sore." Deku-kun ran to me and helped me. "Are you okay? Yeah, we slept on the ground so I'm sure you must be very sore." Deku-kun made sure I was okay. "T-thank you." I bushed.

"Let's start walking we should get there soon," Deku-kun explained. I nodded my head yes and brushed off my dress. So we made our way towards the kingdom. As we walked, I saw an adorable bunny. "Look Deku-kun! It's so cute!" I ran up to the bunny and pet it. Then I realized it was fake. "Who would put a fake bunny out here- WHHAA!!!" Some sort of weird trap thingy pulled me into the air. I heard Deku-kun shout right before screaming. I manage to get a view, I and Deku-kun are tied up in nets hanging from the tree. I heard Deku-kun murmuring. "I-i'm sorry Deku-kun this is all my fault." I struggled in the net. "No, it's okay. We were going to walk into it anyway. This means we're close though. The Dragon tribes are known for these type of traps. We just have to wait 'till they come to check if they caught something." Deku-kun explained. I shook my head yes and started picking at my nails. "How long do you think it'll be until they come back?" I asked. "I don't know, but hopefully not more than an hour or two." I sighed and leaned back. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

~time skip~

Izuku's POV

Uraraka fell asleep so I figured I would look at the map. As I pulled out the map a piece of paper fell out. It was the drawing he drew he was little. I smiled at it and carefully put it back into the bag. Then I heard steps and small cracks as someone step through the leaves. Because of the position, I couldn't see who they were. "Psst, Uraraka. Someone's here." I whispered to her. She woke up. "Wha-" I cut her off, "Shhh." I pointed to the ground and mouthed, there is a person down there. She nodded yes and kept quiet.

"We caught something!" I heard a girl shouted. "Wait, it's not food." I heard a man say, "Let's see who or what it is." They slowly lowered down the nets. I wanted to say something, but honestly, I was too scared. "It's humans." I heard the man say. By now I could see their faces. The man had red spikey hair and dragon wings and tail. The girl had pink curly hair and deep black eyes. She also has dark pink wings and tail. She smiled at me and said, "Do you speak English?" She asked. I nodded yes, still too scared to say anything. She smiled, but the man said, "Be careful, Mina. They could be dangerous." So her name is Mina, I thought. I figured they seemed nice so I decided to speak, "W-we come in peace. I and my friend are looking for a kingdom and stumbled into the trap." I explained. Mina looked fascinated and the red hair boy looked concerned. "Well, I hope you find what kingdom you're looking for-" The red hair interrupted her, "Mina, you know we have to bring them to the king. We can't let everyone go." She looked disappointed. And gave me a sorry look. "If you don't fight, It'll go a lot faster." The red hair started to tye up my hands with rope. "I-i can't. For my king, I have to go to the kingdom." I pleaded. But he kept tying me up. I look over to Mina who is tying up Uraraka. All I could think was what King Toshinori was going to say.

They held onto our ropes as we followed them to the woods. "The Dragon Kingdom is not too far away-" I cut the red hair off. "Dragon Kingdom!? That's exactly where I need to be!" Mina smiled, "Great!" Kirishima looked even more upset. "Why did you come here?" he asked. I didn't know what to say, "I think I should tell the king first." He looked mad, "well, you will see him. But he won't be happy. The king gets mad very easy, and he doesn't like people on his territory." I shook my head yes, "Yeah I've heard." I look over to Uraraka and she's super quiet. She hasn't said a word. She's probably scared.

As we made our way I saw the tip of the castle. It was big but not as big as my kingdom. We slowly entered the castle. I was shaking and couldn't feel anything. The castle smelled of smoke and every once in a while I heard roars from dragons. The air was warm though, It felt comforting. Then I saw him...

~UwU Hiiiaa!!! I spent A LOT of time writing this, even though it still isn't that good I hope you enjoy it!~

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