Chapter 4: Dumped

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On the morning.. Toad called Rita. She entered his room. "Maria and I were talking."He lit his cigar and put it in his mouth. "You always say." Rita said. "She said you really want to go to the St. James ball. Why?"he released a ball of smoke in the face of Rita. "Because I want to meet new people." She said, waving the smoke from her direction. "You really should drop this." "Ah... anyway, I took the time to think it over. And I think you should go.» "Excuse me? Are you sick? Give me a cold pill." He chuckled. "I really mean it." He said. "But there is one catch ... you must work very hard. When I give you a command, do it immediately. And I'm not responsible for giving you the dress. That's your problem." "Thank you, sir."She left. "Wait! I told you?" «No.» "Don't be an immature young lady. It could be a lot worse. You could be on top of a lab suffering from a vaccine in your body. Now, take the boys to the seamstress for a fitting and make sure they get a ticket. suits. You and I will talk on the phone. I need to approve what to wear." "Where did you get such a small phone? Rita asked, surprised to see that she could fit in her hand. "I'm rich. I have everything." He said. "I'll be watching the whole time, so stay on the mission." "Yes, sir." After he finally fired her, she found all the boys and told them to go with her. This time, when she was on a regular boat, she went back to the city. "Now, why does he want to approve of what his sons are wearing? she asked herself. "It's both he has to watch. There are more girls than men." It was the same as the girls, only she was in the store all the time. When the men approached each other, she showed Le Toad, which showed on the phone screen what they wanted. Two hours passed. "Okay, Rita. It's over. Go back to the boat." When Rita returned to the boat, she continued to talk to her master. "I'll come in and out with costumes." She said. "I'm just starting the engine to make sure it's not frozen." The screen went blank. Rita walked into something soft, but he could feel something hot splashing across her chest. She was humiliated when the toad Boys laughed. She had a vanilla latte all over her one sweater. "Oh God, Rita, I'm so sorry." The Prince was responsible. She never believed they would meet again, but here they are. "All right."She said in a black tone. "I'm used to it."She turned away to pick up orders. "Avast. What're you referring to?" "Why do you care?"Rita has escaped. "I have coffee all over my only sweater, rich kids laugh at me and I have nothing to wear to the ball." "You coming?" "Yeah. But I don't think it's possible now!" She went into the store and came out with five boxes. When she returned, Roddy locked the door. "Excuse me ."She smiled. "You know, all the dancers in the show I'm attending have a personal seamstress. Maybe I can take you for a fitting.» "Why are you doing this?"Rita questioned. She crossed her arms to warm her cold chest. "Well, because I feel sorry for you." "Why? Don't you feel bad for the servants in your house?" «No."said Roddy. "They are respected and treated with care." "Well, I don't." "That's why I want to help you." Rita was very surprised. Who knew the Prince would pity her? It seemed so funny. Prince Roddy concurrently danced on the show of his sister. But when he wasn't, he took care of the poor, the sick and the old. He sang to orphans and visited the dying in the hospital. He didn't think Le Toad was so careless. He only saw him once at the ball every year. "Look," Roddy said. "I want to help." "Well, you can leave." Roddy put both hands on her shoulders. "I'm sorry about the coffee stain. I didn't look where I was going. And I think it's great that the Toad gave you permission to attend my father's party. How about you and I have lunch, and then I'll take you to the seamstress for the dress you wanted. Meet me at the restaurant at eight? " Rita was very angry, but he didn't stop. She nodded, though she had plans. "Nicely. See you there." "See you later, darling."He winked at her before he left. She walked into the store, feeling her pulse skip a couple of beats. Another knock was heard in Le Toad's cell. "It's white, sir." «Resume.» A giant albino rat came in. "I want you to ask a favor." Said Whitey. Le Toad broke away from his novel " War and peace." "Are you asking me a favor? I think you've forgotten that I'm a dictator here." "It's Rita." "God!"Lead Toad burst. "I've heard enough about her! What can I say? Is her voice beautiful? Don't you remind me how" brilliant "everyone thinks of her. I heard enough!» "I want to marry her." Thoughts Le Frogs left. "Your thinking of marriage, eh? Well, isn't that the fathers ' decision?" "She's still your property."Whitey reminded him. "So I came to ask you." "What do I think of Rita? I don't see the connection." Head Whitey fell from disappointment. "I'll make a deal with you." Le Toad Said. "If you can tell me why the servants are tired when they work, you can take her hand. Remember, you have until New year. Don't waste your time." "I'm on! Detective Whitey at your service!" "Nicely. Now go." Whitey bowed to his master. As he walked into his bedroom, Rita crept in the dark, avoiding as many toads as possible. There was a giant hole in the Palace wall that made Le Toad too lazy to fix it. It was in an abandoned closet. She jumped over the fence and went over the bridge. All the water was frozen. Rats and toads used sledges to move around. And cars. Rita went straight to the restaurant . She saw a man leaning against the wall reading a jewelry catalog. "Diamonds for Shar Pei?" Roddy closed the book. "Glad you could come."He said. "Let's eat." Rita thought he was going to take her to his father's castle for a feast, but instead he took her to a diner, a quick place with excellent quality, very expensive. Roddy got a hamburger and Rita got soup. She's never served it hot before. She sigla your tongue in that moment, when she had her first spoon. She spat it into a bowl and drank her hot chocolate. "Are you all right?"Asked Roddy. Rita nodded. "The soup has never been hot before." She explained. "The reason I work at lead Toad is because my family can eat." "I'm sorry to hear that." "All right. No one has ever died. I'm excited because lead Toad lets me go after the New year." "Going to eighteen?" "I was really born at midnight." "In General, when everyone yells' Happy New year ', do you get older? That's pretty cool." "Just so."She ate her soup. This time it was good enough to eat. Rita never had vegetable soup with a snake, and she really enjoyed it. "So I have a question. I hope that doesn't offend you. I don't have to ask." "Go straight ahead." "This may be the millionth time you've heard this ..." "You can tell me." "What attracts you to Shar Pei?" Roddy sighed. "You jealous?" «No."Rita said. "I just heard from a friend that you can hurt her and a lot of the girls I work for, tell me she's really rude to them." "Well, sometimes she can be rude." Said Roddy. "I know my sister and mother don't like her very much. They keep telling me she loves my money, not me." "They may be right. Maybe, maybe not. Believe me, I dealt with a girl the way you described her. They want to marry rich guys just for their money. One of them, Taylor married the older one, and she's fourteen, because of his money. When he dies, it will be hers." "It's a little creepy." "Look, I didn't mean to upset you. I like you as a friend."But a lot of girls are in love with you. Under the skin Roddy was sad thoughts. "Just friends" was the only term he hated. Every second he felt like a stranger because of this girl. As they walked down the street, choirs sang, children giggled, and many stores handed out free candy. For a second she was worried that Le Toad noticed she was gone. As they walked, she heard a quiet voice that said to the old man, "did You see the red head in Union Jack pants and turtleneck?» "Oh, my God."Rita muttered. "He knew!" Rita ran. Roddy followed her to a close corner of the two buildings. "Why are you hiding?" "It's Ted. Le Toad must have found out I wasn't there." Ted turned the corner. Rita pulled the bungee cord from her pocket and hung it on a hook attached to the roof. "Sorry, sir," Ted said. "Did you see the red head here without a coat?" "Me?"Asked Roddy. I'm sorry, I've never seen her. "Good day, your Highness."Ted bowed and left. Roddy rolled his eyes. "Rita, it's all right! You can come down now!" Rita pressed the "down" button, but it didn't work. She several times tried to safely slide down on land. On another attempt, she accidentally pressed the "release"button. She fell off the roof Roddy was surprised to hear her not scream. She thought she hit the ice sheet below, but a pair of hands saved her. She took a deep breath. "Why don't you scream?" "If I shouted, people would hear and see me. And then I'd lose my tail." She explained. She stood up. "How much further?" "Not too far. Let's go straight to the car. We'll be there in five minutes. You're all right." «Certainly. I've been doing this for years." Rita bragged. They went to the frozen water. Impatient Rita stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled. Machine stopped, black crossover and they sat down. "Where?"

Homeward."Said Roddy. The driver recognized him and nodded. A few minutes later they stopped in front of the Palace of St. James. Rita had never seen it before, but she couldn't believe her eyes. It was absolutely brilliant. In the front center stood a marble fountain of Poseidon. The walls were glowing white with Golden roofs and gates. The surface was completely clean without a single wrapper or piece of debris. The towers were amazing with country flags on top. It was very unlike the one she had to sleep in. "I can't believe you live here." "I would actually have an apartment."Roddy confessed. "It's too much for us to handle." "What do you mean?" "My sister and I. We don't like what our parents do, so it's hard to get along with them. We have to go around the back." Roddy walked her to the end. He used his father's master key, which he stole to open the door. The first room they entered was a freezer. They quickly passed through the kitchen into the Elevator. "Can I ask you something?"Asked Rita. "Certainly." "Why are you doing this?" "What?" "I invite me to dinner and help me put on a dress for the ball. I mean, I've only met you twice." Roddy was quiet for a while. "I'm not sure. Maybe there's something about you that I like that I don't see in other women. But still, I'm not sure." The Elevator stopped. They were walking on a silk rug to a room at the end of the corridor. "Tasmin?" They went inside. It was a room full of sewing supplies and machines. On hangers hung a bunch of beautiful dresses, wrapped in plastic. "You too busy?"Asked Roddy. "Because I have a friend who needs a dress." "Does your friend have money?" "Well, you see, I can't ..." "I'm paying for it. It will be an extra fifty pounds if you keep quiet." Said Roddy. "So don't worry. Tasmin, this is Rita, my new friend. Rita, Tasmin the seamstress." "Make friends on the street you? I'll see what I can do." "I'll leave you two alone." Said Roddy. Rita thought Tasmin would treat her badly. But she noticed that Rita was looking at her hair color, her eyes and her face. "Good eyes, great face... although your hair needs treatment. But that's not my job. Since this is a holiday, I really prefer the color of the holiday, such as gold, silver, red, green, white and black." "I'd like a red dress." "Yes, I thought it would be your color. Now let's think about style. Do you have one or do you want to see a book?» "I'm not sure."Rita Said. "I'm not an expert on clothes. You are the expert. Which would you prefer?» Roddy arrived in the rehearsal room where he and the other rich kids practiced all their dance exercises. Shar Pei stood by the mirror, spraying her shiny Golden hair. "Shar Pei?» She turned. "Roddy Bear! I thought you weren't coming. Where've you been?"she kissed him on the lips for a long time. "We need to talk."Said Roddy. Maggie, his sister was sitting on her Desk on the set listening. "Please leave her alone."She prayed. Roddy and sharpey went upstairs to their room. It wasn't like a normal Prince's room; the walls were covered with autographed posters and the TV was lying on the bed next to the bed than on the wall in front. His bed was dirty with green sheets and no canopy. "Something wrong?"she asked concerned. "Actually, Yes, there is a problem. It's us." He sat down on the bed and Shar Pei stood before him. "I'm going straight to the point." "You're leaving me?" "Well, Yes, I really am." "What!" Her expression changed in a matter of seconds. "Why?"she choked. "Well, I just feel like they're not meant for each other. That's all she wrote. We need to see different people. Can we be friends?» Shar Pei lifted the silver pump and threw it at him. "Well, maybe not close friends." "Roderick St. James, when your father finds out ..." "It doesn't define what I care about." "Well, good luck finding a new partner!" Shar Pei ran out. It didn't go the way he thought. Shar Pei always looked timid and shy. But at least he was finally free. No more Shar Pei. The thought of it made him smile. "Face."Said tasmin. Rita stood on the platform facing the large mirror. Her red strapless dress was perfect for her. It took her a while to admire herself as the seamstress made adjustments to her dress. The silk fabric was the best in the world and the skirt was beautifully bulging. Rita would look more gorgeous if she curled her hair and put on some perfume. When Roddy came to check on them, Rita hugged him tightly, still in her dress. "Red hair. Red dress. Very sweet."It is supplemented. "Then I'll see you on Christmas eve." "I'll be here."

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