Chapter 13: Goodbye Misery!

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There was no sign of the green demon. Roddy woke earlier than Rita and looked around for signs of him. He climbed back into bed and put his arms around Rita's soft body. He rubbed her ear and moved his hand up to massage her temple. He heard her moan for a second before she rolled around and opened her eyes.

"Morning." He greeted with a warm smile. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

"It was fine. No nightmares or anything."

"What did you dream about?"

"Nothing." Rita chuckled at his question. "I don't get dreams too often."

"So how about breakfast? Want me to call room service?"


"What do you want?"

"What do you prefer?" she asked. "I know nothing about fancy breakfast food."

"I'll just get you what I like and see what you think." He picked up the phone on the counter. "This is Prince Roderick requesting room service."

Rita stood up in bed and listened to him as he spoke to the man on the phone, looking at him as if she never saw a person speak on the phone before. Roddy hung up and walked back into bed.

"We have a big day planned out. My parents were hoping that you family could join us on a winter cruise for New Years. You can relax at a spa with your mum, play with your siblings at the water park, go to the club and there are several more options."

"And this is all indoors?"

"Sure is." Roddy nodded. "I think you'll love it. It's an ice boat so we won't have trouble moving."

"That sounds fantastic!" said Rita. "We'd love to go. When are we leaving?"

"In a couple of hours. I'll inform your family."

"No I'll do it. I haven't seen them in years and I owe them a lot of time."

Rita went downstairs after breakfast in her servant clothes. Her parents were downstairs talking to the queen.

"It's just in our blood to steel." Nigel was discussing to Queen Rose why Rita went away. The queen was holding a perfume bottle, created by Princess Sharpay.

"Well here she comes." Said Rose. "How was your sleep dear?"

"It was fine." Said Rita. "So where is everybody?"

"Scattered around the castle I bet." Said Rose. "Either in the garden, the pool, the spa, so many places. Did my son tell you about the cruise?"

"He did."

"What cruise?" her mother asked.

"The royal family is taking us out on a cruise for New Years Eve. The whole family!"

"You must be joking." Said Nigel. He glanced at the queen. "Is she?"

"It's our treat." Said Rose. "We love your family. Besides, Rita's been through so much. You've went through a lot of trouble. You honestly disserve it. Were leaving in an hour. Good clothes will be provided for you and your children."

"Well how wonderful." Said Amanda.

"I'm going to tell the others." Said Rita.

"You do that darling." Said Amanda. She gave her a soft push. Nobody said a word until Rita was out of sight.

"You might not be poor anymore." Said the queen.

"Why do you say that?"

"Cross your fingers. Chances are my son is going to purpose to your daughter."

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