Chapter 11: Romantic Rescue

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Roddy was busy the next two days with his tutor. The moment he had spare time, he'd head for the Floodgate. His day off finally came. Whistling a happy tune, Roddy ironed his nicest shirt. It was a white collar shirt. Not the dorky kind but with thin fabric. The sleeves went down to his elbows. Nicely hung on the doorknob of his closet were his favorite black pants. Beside those were his shined black shoes. August came in.

"Since when did you care about how smooth your clothes were?"

"Huh." Roddy put the iron down. "Just going somewhere."

"Dressed so nice?"

"Ok, you caught me. Oh, father I'm in love."

"Stop acting boy."

"No I mean it. Chances are I'll have a queen by today. She's a wonderful girl and I'm going to purpose today."

"Oh really."

"I'm going to give her a surprise visit and I'm going to ask her when the time is right."

"Well that's wonderful. You know how long we've been waiting for this to happen?"

"A long time?" Roddy guessed sarcastically.

"Well, when are you going?"

"Once I'm done ironing my shirt."

"Well then I'll leave you to do that."

After the King left his sight, he rushed to finish.

"Cheeses? Check. Roses? Check. Ring? Check. Clothes? Check. Smile? Check."

Roddy gave himself one last look in the mirror before gathering his items, putting on his formal jacket, and leaving.

Everything was almost ready . Remy covered the cake with cream-white icing, Golden rose petals made of icing. He happily whistled as he almost finished with his masterpiece. Other chefs prepared various desserts such as crème brûlée, while others prepared dinner and snacks. "WA La!" "Nicely."Said Spike. "Now take this to the waiting room and don't throw it." The other three chefs came to help Remy. They picked it up and slowly followed spike to where the servants were setting the tables. "He refers to this wedding as a big problem." Ophelia Said. She was on the stairs, working with some gold ribbon. "What's so special about it? I mean, Whitey's just a hit man." "Must be the bride," Mercedes Said. While she held Francisco. The toad wouldn't let her stop to take care of the newborn. Fortunately, he was sound asleep. "You don't even know who the bride is?" «No."said Mercedes. "But it has to be special. I've never seen him spend so much money before." "It's better worth it. I need to know who this bride is." "Well." Said Spike. "Since you can't escape, the bride has emerald eyes, red hair . She is young, about seventeen years old and very aggressive. I hope you can figure it out." "Rita!"Mercedes gasped in surprise. Francisco woke up and cried. "He can't do that!"said Ophelia. "Until New year he can." "You rotten little demon!"Ophelia snapped as she stomped toward him. Mercedes tried unsuccessfully to calm the child in his arms. "Where is she?" "I don't know."Said Spike. "Now keep working, or it's with your tails! This includes a toddler!" Ophelia ran to Remi. "I'm a little busy."He said. "But it's important. I know who the bride is." "How important can it be?" "If her name is Rita, then Yes, it's very important!» Remi put the cake down. "Rita?" "She is forced into marriage . I don't know what this toad is up to, but it's no use. Spread the word. We need to contain this as much as possible. The wedding's in three hours!» "Immediately."He suffocated. Roddy went to the Airlock. He was carefully going crazy over the bridge when he remembered that he had to get through his back. As he walked silently, he noticed a piece of sweater attached to the fence. Above him was a lock of red hair. "Rita..."

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