Infinity war

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An: Ok this one going to start when they get to titan and continue from there bear in mind I haven't seen infinity war in awhile so I just gonna show scenes I can remember this will also be short

"Ok here's the next world and it will have a sequel" I Said

"Cool" said sero

"What kind of world is this one" asked all might

"You remember that spider deku world" I Said

"Yes" Said everyone

"It the same universe but izuku a different character well enough of this let's get started" I said

Ships lands

Izuku: "so this is where all for one will be"

Then out of nowhere they were attacked

???: "ok I will only say this once if you don't tell what I want then I will blow this kids brain out"

"Kaminari!" Said Jiro

"How dare you prey on a child" Said tiger

"Especially if the child is Kota!" Said Mandalay

"Other me other me!" Steamed Kaminari

Kaminari: "where's Jiro!"

Izuku: "who's Jiro"

Kirishima: "I do you one better why Jiro"

Haha everyone was laughing except Kirishima and Jiro where one is apologizing a bunch while the other is trying to get him to stop

Time skip

Kaminari: "not so tuff now huh bastard?" Now tell me where's Jiro

Toru: "I sense great sadness"

Izuku: what this guy a mad man what he has to be sad About

Toru: he mourns for the death of a love one

Kaminari: what what did you do no why you do it

Izuku: Kaminari I know what you gonna do but don't do

All for one: I had to do it

Kaminari: no you didn't he then proceeded to punch him in the face

Izuku: what are you doing! We almost got this thing off!

Kaminari then missed his next hit and hit toru instead causing her to fall off and for afo to wake up right when they were about get it off he grabbed it back a beat them all

You dumbass why did you do that Said Jiro

He killed you and from the way he's acting I say this version of us were dating! So of course I be pissed! Said Kaminari

I know that you idiot but why you have to attack him before they got the damn glove off of him before you go and beat him up! Said Jiro

Enough! Said aizawa

Time skip


All around everyone started to turn to dust

Ojiro: it was the only way

He turned to dust too

Kaminari: fu- he turned to dust

Everyone else too

Kota: mr. midoriya I don't feel so good

He then falls down with deku by his side

Kota: I don't want go I don't want to go mr. midoriya I don't want to die I am sorry

He turns to dust too

No! Said the crying pussy cats

Damn it ojiro why you give the damn stone! Said Kirishima

Calm down everyone remember how he said that he seen over a million different realities but they only won one he then even said it was the only way if I had to guess that everyone will come back said Tokoyami

I will not confirm that because it would be spoiling the sequel I said

Ok that's it for now sorry it took so long and for it being too short but I couldn't remember much of infinity war so I just put as much as I can remember I hope you all like it

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