"YXY" Street, house "XCZ"

69 13 1

Jay’s POV

I can hear a soft voice calling my name....
Mother? Huh who else would it be.

My eyes fluttered opening, my vision still blurry, I can't exactly tell who's in front of me. Soon on my eyes adjust to the bright aura of my one and only sweet mother.
"You're finally up!" She said while leaning down to kiss my forehead. Where can you find a mother as sweet and as gentle? That’s right you can’t.  "Come on, go wash up or you'll be late for school"
I sat up then held onto my mother's soft hands leaving a gentle kiss on it. "Roger that" I replied with a 90° bow. My mum simply smiled then ruffled my messy hair that was sticking up in all directions, as it usually does. “Once you're done come down and have breakfast". Her voice is soothing, it puts me at rest. With that she left the room and it's time to do my usual morning routine.

"Mum!" I called out to her "I'll be leaving" I informed her "I love you!" she shouted from the dining room and I answered back with the same tone. I put on my favourite pair of sky blue converse, grab my wallet and keys then have my way out.

After a 2 - 3 minutes walk. I reached to Ace's apartment. I sent a text, informing him that I am waiting outside. For the past couple of years, Ace and I have gone to school together since we live pretty close.
The dark door in front of me finally creaks open revealing a debonair who's no one but Ace. "Jeez took you long enough" I rolled my eyes "Not even once have you been on time". "Well you see these looks don't come from nothing" Ace blurts, his fingers running through his soft shiny golden locks with that cocky look of his. Tsk I click my tongue at his action "Don't tsk me" He grumbled.  "Oh shut your face, come on let's go" I swiftly slipped my hand into his pocket and garbed his keys "I’m driving this time" I said with a giggle and he sighed.

"Dude wassup??" Ace questioned concerned. "Oh it's nothing" I said in a cheery tone. “Jay" He called my name in a serious manner and a deeper pitch than usual. Chills ran-down my spine, goosebumps crawled my hands, I sighed in defeat. Oh well, I gave up sooner than I thought I would, I thought to myself.
"Well you see......" I paused sighing for the nth time today "I am worried about my mum" his expression tensed up "Don't tell me...", "yeah she's overworking herself again" I tightened my hold on the steering wheel, my eyes focused on the road.
"I don't want to go through that again, I wish I could be of some use and help her but she won’t let me." My lips curved into a frown at the memory.

My mum takes both roles of the mother and father. She takes care of me, the house and everything besides it. She always puts on a smile in front me and she had always provided me with all the love and care, I could ever wish for. She never failed me once she has always been there for me. All of this sounds sweet but the stress behind it all, is real. It's not easy for her I know it and I feel guilty.....this is all because of me.
I once started working without her consent but it wasn't long before she found out. She didn't talk to me for weeks, wouldn’t even look at me. I couldn’t handle it, I didn’t know what to do so I had to promise her that I'd never do anything without telling her.


I was on my way home after a long, loud and crazy end of the year party. Do I even need to describe it? it's the same party in every high school movie/show you've ever seen. I slowly  unlocked the door to my house and entered carefully not wanting to disturb my peacefully sleeping mother. I checked my watch to see that it's already past midnight. I tiptoed up the stairs, not wanting to make any tiny sound. It sounds as if I am breaking into my house but unlike me, my mum is a light sleeper, any faint noise can wake her up. So I headed to mother's room to check on her. She's been very exhausted lately, it worried me. I held onto the door knob and push it downwards as gently as possible to avoid any noises. I push the door slightly open and peek through the gap. Wha.....where is she? She's supposed to be home by now it's too late!

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