Ghost of you

70 12 3

3rd pov

"What dis?!" April Speaks, confusion written all over her face.
"What now Ms.Jonas?" Mr.Bonner utters in disbelief.
"You just said that those enzymes are rigid and now you're telling me that their shape changes" April's words came out rambled and fast.
"just stick with one statement will ya? My poor brain." She said while pulling her hair, out of frustration.
Seeming so done and defeated by April, "Come to the teacher's room after class I'll explain it later." He says sounding exhausted.
"Well you better do Mr.Boner", she purposely emphasised on the latters name. Laughter erupted and resonated within the class.

"It's not Boner it's Bonner!!" Her teacher exclaimed, for what seemed like the millionth time this day, killing down the laughter.

Crystal had been enjoying the show displayed in front of her but she felt bad for poor Mr.Bonner. April can be thick headed sometimes. She thinks. She asks the teacher if she can go and sit in the open seat beside April and he allows her to.

"Just how dumb can you be?" She laughes it out.

"Ah shush" April shushes Crystal, her eyes glaring at her notes creating holes in them.

Crystal shakes her head letting out an exhausted sigh, she then starts explaining the topic over again to April.

"This is waaayy easier" April says louder than expected, making the teacher look her way. "Well she definitely teaches better than you do." She directs her speech at Mr.bonner then takes her bag and leaves the class.

"I can't belive she's my friend." Crystal thinks with a frown. She then notices a pair of laser eyes creating holes in her and who else would it be other than our dear Mr.Bonner. The expression he's wearing is the same expression any teacher would wear after having to deal with April, knackered.

Crystal couldn't help but want to laugh. She was trying so hard to hold it back but failed miserably by the look of her teacher. She shrugged her shoulders at him and right then the bell rang and not only were the students free but their teacher too. Crystal walked out of class waving at Mr.Bonner. She then glanced his way and stuck her tongue out at him and before he can do anything about it she was nowhere to be seen.

Crystals thoughts (not a pov I don't know this is a first)

You'd think he's your typical strict teacher from what just happened with him and April but you'd be surprised. Everyone jokes around with him and treats him as their friend because he's only 4 years older than us, surprising I know. Obviously he had to be good looking otherwise he wouldn't be a bio teacher now would he? He tries to be taken seriously but fails miserably as he is just absolutely adorable (not in a weird way but seriously dang man). He has his charm like all guys do, however if you were anything like us you'd laugh your ass off every time he tries to be smooth.

The only thing I love about school, is our relationship with the teachers. We know all of them and they adore us, even the ones who don't even teach us. We're practically like a big family, we joke around, roast each other and of course show our love in the craziest weirdest way possible. It's just who we are. It'll go from being "Why're you alive?" To "How do you expect me to live without you" Yes we say that to our teachers and yes they say that too. Shocked? Lol more like jealous.

3rd persons PoV for now I guess?...

Ace was walking through the hallways heading to his locker, but yeah it's never just walking is it.

Girls crowded around him some sending winks here and others sending flying kisses there. Ace just raised his brow at them

"OMG" she sequeled in the highest pitch her voice could reach while trying to fan away the excitement. "ACE STONE IS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!, YOU LOOK SO GOOD HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!!!!" Hazel imitated, mockery lacing her words making Ace roll his eyes and shake his head in defeat.

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