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Chapter Four: The Boys Are Back!

"Earth.." Bumblebee said breathlessly as he stared upon the green valleys and the large city. He smiled with excitement, knowing that Alexis lived nearby and was so excited to go see her.

"Earth!" Bumblebee was brought out of thought by the loud outburst and quickly turned to see his cadet, Strongarm, and Sideswipe run through the Spacebridge.

"Strongarm, what's Sideswipe doing here?" Bumblebee asked as the young bot looked at Sideswipe.

"The punk..right..forgot all about him." Strongarm said while glaring at him.

"Strongarm, go back! The Spacebridge will close any minute!"

"Ride along regulates that I'm with you." Strongarm said, not changing her mind at all. "Well, then just uncuff Sideswipe."

"Yeah, uncuff Sideswipe!" Strongarm glared once more at Sideswipe before she uncuffed the cuffs from off his servos.

"Now, go back, Sideswipe!" Bumblebee shouted as Sideswipe smirked.

"Forget that, bro. And forget you guys, too!" Sideswipe exclaimed while running off and transforming into his vehicle mode. Before Bumblebee could say anything, the Spacebridge closed, leaving him to groan.

"Great, I'm stuck on Earth with two teenagers." Bumblebee mumbled to himself before his cadet approached him.

"I still can't believe I'm here, sir!"

"Neither can I, cadet." Bumblebee muttered before he began to walk away.

"I could have swore I heard it over here." Alexis said as she looked around. She approached a large fort before flying down to it and walking around the area. "Hello?"

"Hello?" She heard and turned around. She looked up and saw a red Cybertronian before her eyes. Her eyes went wide before her fists glowed and she pointed them at it.

"Who are you?! Are you an Autobot or Decepticon?!" She shouted, her eyes glaring daggers into the Cybertronian in front of him. He held his servos up in surrender quickly before shouting, "Hey, hey! Put. The. Blasters. Down! I'm not a threat!"

"Prove it." She mumbled before a crash was heard and they both looked to the side to see a large animal bot.

"What the heck is that?" "What is that?" They both said as the same time before they saw an animal look bot roll in.

"What in the world is that thing?!" They also heard as Alexis turned to see Russell in a shocked state before she looked back at the bot.

"Awesome! It's nice to see some Cybertronian life forces!" The red bot said before he looked at the insignia on the animal's chest plate. "A Decepticon! Great..get ready to run you two."

"I'm not listening to-" Alexis began before she looked at the animal's insignia before looking at the red bot's insignia. His was an Autobot insignia. The other was a Decepticon.

"Oh-kay. Russell, get out of here right now. I'm right behind you." Alexis said before she began to slightly push Russell out of the trench.

"The name's Underbite. Ever heard of Naon City?"

"Uh, no?" Alexis slowly began to back away, just as the bot glared at him.

"That's because I ate!" The bot, Underbite, pounced at the red bot before he backflipped away and the humans and himself ran out of the trench. Alexis ran with Russell through the woods, hoping that the bot didn't follow them. When she heard crashes, she began to run faster, thinking it was the bot.

But when she turned, she saw the red Autobot was at her side.

"Are there any clearings on this stupid planet?!" He asked as Alexis stopped running and glared at him

"First of all, watch what you say about my planet. And second of all, there's an opening this way."


"Mayday, for the 15 millionth time, Mayday. This is Fixit. Guard and Caretaker for the prison ship, Alchemor. Still on doo-doo.." Fixit said before he heard someone clearing their throat.

"Doo-doo?" He turned around and saw two bots standing behind him and he grinned cheekly.

"Duty, ma'am. Wow! It's so good to see Cybertronian life forms after so many years! Uh, where's your squadron?" Fixit asked while looking around.

"Um.. I'm afraid we're it." The yellow and black bot said before Fixit nodded.

"Hey, Skylar! Look who's found us!" Fixit shouted as a young teen walked from behind a stasis pod.

"No way...Bumblebee?"


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