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Chapter Five: Welcome to the Show!

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Chapter Five: Welcome to the Show!


The teen ran up to the yellow and black bot and hugged his ped tightly, though Bumblebee was stunned by the impact.

"I'm so happy to see you, Bee! I missed you! I have so much to talk about!" Skylar exclaimed as she pulled away and stared up at him.

"As much as I would love to stay and talk, Skylar-"

"You have to go." Skylar disappointedly said as her bright smile faded quickly into a frown. "Yes. But we can talk later. I promise."

"No we won't, Bumblebee. We won't talk later. Because I'll make a bet with you that whatever it is you're looking for, you'll find it and then you'll go STRAIGHT BACK TO CYBERTRON! JUST LIKE YOU DID THE LAST TIME!" Skylar shouted, tears stream from her eyes as she spoke. She looked away, anger boiling her veins before she wiped her eyes.

"That's not true, Sky. And you know it. I was sent to Earth by Optimus. I don't know what it is yet, but I feel like it won't be temporarily."

Skylar looked back at Bumblebee before she began;

"You see him too, huh?" She asked as he nodded. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"I see him, too. He appeared a couple of weeks after you guys left for Cybertron. Guess you forgot to mentioned he sacrificed himself to save Cybertron.." Skylar said but muttered the last part, which thankfully Bumblebee didn't hear. "He started talking to me at first on my bedroom windows, then it was my phone screen, then my TV, then my mirrors. Then just yesterday, he appeared to me in public. It rained last night and he had appeared in a puddle. He told me that you were coming. Before I could say anything else, he was gone. So, you're not the only one."

"Did he say anything about why he wanted me to come to Earth?" Bumblebee asked as she shrugged.

"Don't know. He only said that he'll talk to us once you got here." Skylar admitted as she crossed her arms. "But anyway, who is this?"

"This is Cadet Strongarm. She's with me. And there was another one. But I haven't seen him. Have you happened to have seen a red Autobot roam through here?"

"You're the only two Cybertronians we've seen." Fixit said as Bumblebee sighed. "Okay. Tha-"

Before he could finish, a red car came flying, literally flying, out of the bushes and in front of them. The window was put down and Russell's face came poking out.

"Wonderful. We haven't been on Earth for more than an hour and he's already revealed himself to a human." Bumblebee said with a sigh before Skylar ran up to the bot's alt.

"Russell? Have you seen Alexis?" She asked as Russell nodded. "Wait..Alexis was here?!"

"Yes. Russell, where is she?" Russell pointed his thumb towards the woods and Skylar looked past the car and saw a bright light dead ahead.

"What is she doing?" The bright light got closer and closer and started to pick up speed before everyone ducked down. Alexis crashed into a bunch of trees, groaning loudly as she slammed into the last tree and removed herself from it.

"Okay, big guy..If that's how you want to play it.." She began before she grabbed a tree, ripped it from it's roots and flew straight back at the Decepticon she was fighting.

"Alexis..?" Bumblebee muttered as he watched her swing the tree at the Decepticon, causing him to tumble to the side.

"Bee! Now's not the time to fascinate about your girlfriend! We have to help her!" Skylar shouted up to Bumblebee which ended his trance and he immediately whipped out his blaster. He went after the Decepticon, Underbite, and Skylar began to back away from the fight, trying to figure out what to do.

"I hear fighting! I wanna fight!" She heard as she turned to see a head pop out from one of the containers she bumped into.

"Woah!" Skylar exclaimed as she stumbled backward. "Big..scary..giant..face!"

The face looked at her and immediately his optics went wide. "Oh, no. Not again. I will not be affected by your cuteness!"

"Huh?" Skylar raised an eyebrow before she shook her head and stood up. "Weird.."

Skylar looked up when she felt the ground vibrant under her feet and she saw Underbite charging towards her. Before she was crushed, she heard:

"Hey, you!"

The Decepticon stopped right in front of her and he looked at the bot in the pod behind her.

"Aren't you that con that ate that city?"

"Finally! What gave me away? The good looks?" He asked while flexing his 'muscles'. Skylar rolled her eyes.

'Some Decepticons are too full of themselves,' she always thought.

"The smell." The bot said with a smirk before Underbite growled and began to destroy the pod, not knowing that he had just freed the bot inside.

"Okay. I want to go back to the scrapyard now." Skylar whispered to herself as she began to back away when Underbite went looking through the empty pod.

"Human! Hop in!" Skylar heard as she saw Sideswipe raced towards her and she jumped in. Sideswipe came to a stop and watched as Underbite stopped chowing, looked up, and immediately took off in the same direction..as the scrapyard.

"Oh, no." Skylar mumbled as she hopped out of Sideswipe and began to run down the direction that Underbite went, but she was stopped. By Bumblebee.

"Let me go, Bee. We have to go down there!" She exclaimed as she wriggled and kicked in Bumblebee's grasp.

"No way. It's too dangerous."

"Dude, I'm literally 15 years old and I've been in battle with Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave. I've been hit by dark energon, and I literally helped Arcee, Ratchet, and Optimus with freeing you from Professor Megatron! Should I run down the entire list?!" Skylar exaggerated as Bumblebee rolled his optics.

"Either way, you still can't do it." Bumblebee said as he set me down.

"You're not my dad, Bumblebee! I'm not going to let you stop me from helping your girlfriend, my best friend's, dad! And I wish you would try and stop me a second time.." Skylar slightly threatened while glaring up at him.

Bumblebee stayed in contact for a moment before he sighed and Skylar ran off.

"I'll go with her." Alexis said when she approached Bumblebee's side.

"Please do. She's going to get herself killed. I'm sure of it."

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