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Chapter Six: Wrecking Ball

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Chapter Six: Wrecking Ball

"We have to warn your Dad!" Skylar shouted to Alexis as she nodded and grabbed me by my wrist. " Hang on! We're going in at full speed!"

Skylar nodded before Alexis lifted her from off the ground and they flew fast towards the scrapyard. Alexis looked down to make sure Underbite wasn't following them. She couldn't tell by the way how fast she was moving, but she didn't see any trees being knocked down at the moment, so she thought she was ahead.

Until, a blast was sent at her back. She yelped in pain as she began to free fall.

"Alexis! Oh, sh-!" Alexis went crashing through the treelines, Skylar was lucky enough to catch a branch, but before she could relax, the branch broke and Skylar fell from the tree and to the ground.

"I swear when I see that Decepticon, I'm going to give it a piece of my-AH!" While in the middle of her outburst, she sat up and felt a sharp pain go up her right calf and screamed loudly to the top of her lungs. She looked down to see that he right ankle was dislocated. She quickly put it back in place and quickly yelled in pain when she did.

"What happened?!" Skylar looked up and saw Alexis brushing the leaves off of herself.

"Well, you can survive falls from up in trees and walk away perfectly fine. This girl has a dislocated ankle and I just fell at least 10 feet in the tree!" Skylar exclaimed as she plopped on the ground.

"Ooo..You gonna be okay?"

"I've got no choice!" Skylar exclaimed while throwing her arms up. "Yeah, I guess that's true. Come on, I'll carry you the rest of the way there."

Alexis quickly picked Skylar up and carried her bridal style before running towards the scrapyard, which wasn't that much further. When Alexis emerged from out of the treeline with her, they saw Underbite enter the scrapyard and something stopping him by trying to crush him.

"What the hell?" Alexis whispered when she saw the dinosaur like bot facing off with Underbite. Alexis had set Skylar down once they entered the scrapyard, but she yelled in pain when pressure was put on her ankle.

"Gah! Sorry, Sky!"

"Yep, noted.." Skylar spoke painfully as she limped in place. "Well, this is going to be interesting.."

"As much as I want to help you, I need you to hide somewhere now. That thing messed with the wrong family." Alexis said before she flew off, leaving Skylar in the dust.

"Oh yeah! Like leaving me out in the open was the best idea!" Skylar shouted before she began to limp towards a safe hideout. But before she could, she heard an engine and saw Bumblebee drive in and transform.

"Skylar! What happened?" He asked as Skylar turned around to face him.

"Let's just say it hurt when I fell from heaven.." Skylar joked before Bumblebee rolled his optics.

"Where's Alexis?" He asked as she pointed towards the sound of crashes. "Okay, hop in!"

Skylar hopped into Bumblebee's alt before he sped down the lanes of the scrapyard trying to get to the source of the noise.

"We've got some unfinished business!" They both heard as Bumblebee hit his brakes when the Dinobot was thrown across the scrapyard. "Woah! Haven't we seen him before?!"

"Sure have. Stay here." Bumblebee said before he transformed with Skylar in his hand and he gently sat her down. "Hey, isn't that your Cadet or something?"

Bumblebee looked behind him and saw the young Cadet running his way, along with Russell.

"Dad!" Russell said while he ran past Bumblebee and Skylar.

"Wait, Russell-!"

"I'll get the human, sir. And then you and me can take on the Decepticon!" Strongarm assured before running after Russell.

"Gah! Why does nobody listen to me?" "Why does nobody listen to me?" Both Bumblebee and Skylar exclaimed before they looked at each other.

"Okay. That was freaky."

"Guys! I'm gonna need a little help!" They heard Alexis shouted as Bumblebee grabbed Skylar and ran to where they saw Alexis get thrown to the ground by Underbite.

"Alex!" Alexis went crashing into the area of abandoned cars. Bumblebee sat Skylar down before he drove head on at Underbite. "Oh, come on! Didn't I just say I had a dislocated ankle?! But no! You leave me in the middle of the path and I can't exactly walk fast!"

Before Skylar could limp anywhere else, Sideswipe came and grabbed her just in time of an incoming aisle falling just over top of her.

"Woah! Thanks, Sideswipe." She said.

"No problem..um.."

"Skylar. My name's Skylar." She said with a smile before he drove up to an abandoned diner, she guessed was Denny's work, and had dropped her off there. "Be careful."

Skylar nodded before she limped inside the diner to see Denny and Russell staring at the bots. "Um..Sky, do you know them?"

"Not the red one or the blue and white one much. But definitely the yellow and black one." Skylar answered before she saw Underbite jump up to try and attack Sideswipe, but Grimlock got in the way and had took him down before anything happened.

"Get down!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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