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"Hey mom, it's right here! The market is right here!" I shrieked , of course she didn't know where the fuck she is going. She pulled into the market and I saw Luke. I jumped out of the car and shot straight for Luke. "Luke!" I cheered as I jumped into his arms. He nearly fell flat on his ass. But he did hug back, kind of. I loved his body warmth, it was calming..

"Hey asshat.." He said, I could feel his smile.

I reluctantly pulled myself away... and when I say reluctantly I mean I wanted to hold onto him for the rest of my worthless damn life. We smiled at each other as our parents got to know one another, it was nice. "So uh... the fuck are you?" He asked and I scoffed. My hair was a little longer by this time around. Down to my neck. I dyed it red and wore an angry birds footsy, or onesy. My angry birds hat and I had half skeleton makeup. "I have no clue" I said honestly. He on the other hand, he was a fallen angle. Mff did he look hot. He could fly away with me anyway cause damn he looked yummy. NO! No Mark snap the fuck out of it, you're gonna get a fucking boner in front of him and his entire family. Stop it. No.

I mentally groaned. We walked around and my mom took pictures of course. I started munching on the candy then and there cause I mean.. Who wouldn't? "Laladidada!!!!" I shouted as Luke yanked my arm down "would you knock it the fuck off! I know these people!" He growled and I looked down. That actually scared me. He scared me.

I sighed, maybe I should shut up..

We went about the rest of the night almost completely quiet.

Was he mad at me? "Hey you wanna see my house?" He asked my mom "yes actually, you can ride with us and we will follow your parents" she said and I mentally sighed. "Thank god.." I breathed "what?" Luke asked and I shook my head. We got in my moms expedition and talked about useless crap. People, and just crapidy crap crap crap.

We got to his house and I tried to get out of the car when I slipped and hit my knee on the car door, my head hitting the ceiling I groaned loudly "stupid car! Mom it tried to kill me again!" I shouted "oh shut up" she scolded and I pouted as Luke laughed. "Shudduhp.." I mumbled as we got into the house. His mom was a belly dancing teacher and his dad was a contractor. Awesome.

We walked through the house and Luke eagerly showed me the room he shared with his brother. Devin.

Not to be mean or anything but.. Devin is not attractive. Quite frankly he's a bit rude. "So this is my bed.." He gestured to the right side of the room so a bed. "Cool" I said. Devin I guess took a liking to me. Sort of.

"Mooooooom" I whined "what?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Can I spend the niiiigggghhttt?" I dragged on and she scoffed "fine" she said, and just like that she left.

I would've jumped Luke right there if his damn brother wasn't there. Fucking asshole.

But we talked about bands and we snorted smarties. Don't ask..

But I was so hyped at one point I un zipped my onesie and took off my shirt.

"It's getting hot in here!" I sung swinging the shirt around. "No seriously I'm just gonna be in my boxers cause this room is like a tin foil box in the Saharah desert in the summer at noon" I exaggerated, maybe it was just an excuse to get in my boxers in front of Luke. Maybe not. I'm not sure, I was really tired. We talked and suddenly I was just talking to Devin while Luke disappeared. I just shrugged it off and continued to talk to Devin. Suddenly I saw Luke come out in just basket ball shorts. Holy fucking shit was he hot. I got a half boner just looking at him "ah excuse me" I said making sure no one saw it as I ran to the bathroom. Calm yourself you horn dog. I said to myself. Getting cold water and letting it roll down my waist to "cool myself off"

I went back in the room. Mmf the sight of that yummy boy with no shirt. He's just so perfect.

God I want him.





The rest of the night we watched Harry potter and I fell asleep on Lukes bed with him. I can honestly say that was the best Halloween ever.

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