A Night of Wonder

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Toby adjusted the silver buttons on his costume as Ruby stood behind him with a jar of hair gel. She twisted open the cap of the jar and dipped two of her fingers into the gel. She then set the jar down and began to spread the gel over her hands before rubbing it through Toby's hair.

He sat patiently as Ruby styled his hair to suit his costume. He could feel her hands work wonders on his hair. He was honestly surprised that Akane hadn't styled it. Toby glanced up at the clock on the wall and read the time. Half passed six. The show started at eight.

"There, finished! Have a look." Ruby said and handed him a mirror. Toby grabbed the mirror from her and looked at his reflection. His eyes then widened in shock at his appearance. His hair....it was styled just like the way he used to style it!

Ruby smiled to herself as Toby continued to stare at his own reflection with furrowed brows.

"Well? What do you think? Doesn't it look cute?" Ruby gushed, clearly proud with herself. Toby pressed his lips into a thin line and gave her a weary smile.

"A-ah, yeah, it looks good." He stuttered. Ruby frowned at him and rested her hands on her hips.

"Don't lie to me. You obviously dislike it. But I can't see why you would, this hair style looks so good on you!" She exclaimed. Toby's smile dropped slightly and he looked down at his lap with a sad smile.

"Yeah, it does..." Ruby cocked her head to the side in confusion. Toby shook his head and smiled up at her. "It's nothing. I'm gonna go meet up with Y/n and the others. Later, Ruby!" He exclaimed and ran out the door. Ruby let a small smile slip passed her lips before turning back towards the mirror.

"Huh, I thought he would've liked it. At least that's what Malikai told me..." She muttered under her breath and began to apply her makeup.


You arched your back and pressed your hands to the ground. You then pushed yourself up onto your hands and stretched your legs out. Around you, your fellow circus members were practicing their own routine. Toby walked into the practicing area and looked around. His eyes then widened in wonder at the amount of performers there were. And here he thought he had met everyone!

You saw your friend from out of the corner of your eye and smiled. You jumped back to your feet and ran over to him.

"Toby!" You exclaimed and waved to him. Toby turned towards you and his eyes widened. You wore a matching F/C sparkling longsleeved leotard with transparent frills lined along your waist, show casing your tattoos. Silver buttons were sewn into the fabric as well as thin metal bracing along your chest. Dabs of silver sparkles was applied lightly to your cheek bones over your light stage makeup. Your hair was styled into a F/S (favourite style) using gel.

'Wow, she looks really pretty...' Toby thought to himself as his cheeks reddened slightly. You looked him up and down and smiled brightly at him.

"You look good! That hairstyle especially suits you. Did Ruby do that?" You asked. Toby nodded and returned your smile. As he focused on your tattoos, his smile dampened slightly.

"Isn't that outfit a bit too revealing with your tattoos?" He mentioned. Your smile dropped  and you looked down at your arms.

"Ah...I guess, but I don't mind. After all, the audience would probably think they're fake. You know, stage makeup." You said. Toby nodded in understanding.

"Makes sense, I guess."

"There you two are!" The two of you turned away from each other and looked up to see Dale running towards you in his jester's outfit. He grinned at you and dove into your arms. "Are you both ready for tonight's performance?" He exclaimed. You looked down at him and smiled.

One And The Same (Toby X Reader) (Astro Boy 2009)Where stories live. Discover now