I Miss my family ;

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Isnad pov;
Thanks to God,right now ican kiss my wifey. Now ihave learn that Zainab, like people. Not only that but also ,care for their fillings. She has self- esteem .That why she is happy with how God ,has created her.Having self-esteem make you stronger. last night,when ikiss her on her fore head .Iwas happy ,happy she didn't resist the kiss . Suddenly,some one touching me on shoulder.
Zainab; So you are going to work.(curiously)
Isnad;Yes , wifey (looking at her)
Zainab;And iam going to stay, idol.
Isnad;It is your house wifey. Do what you want to.(Smiling)
Zainab;But Issy , you told me you have aweek free.(baby eyes)
Isnad;Ohhh come on ,you know what we are suppose to do in this week.(smirking)
Zainab;(Trying to catch the words in mind or finding meaning). You bossy.(pointing finger at him ) .Just go .
Isnad; Wow, wifey suddenly (teasing).
We are married you know, it is not that bad.(laughing)
Zainab;Keep that dream of yours. (Walking away)
Isnad; wifey, ihave an important meeting. (Seriously)
Zainab;Thanks, for telling me.(Smiling)
Isnad;It is okay wifey.
(Getting in his car and leave)

Zainab pov;
After Isnad was gone to the office. Iwas all alone. Oh my God, staying all alone at the house. Some may wonder ,where are the maids? But you know they are very busy. Cleaning the house,washing the dishes,so on .They were afraid of me. Infact ,iwonder what has bossy done to them.At this moment iremember my family,and miss them.Idecided to call them.
Zainab;Asamualeikum aleikum,sis.(Smiling)
Fatma;Waleikum salam.Miss me already,huh.
Zainab;Nah,not really. (Teasing)
Fatma;ohhh,isee why are you calling then mrs.(curiously)
Zainab;Cause ,imiss my mom and dad ,and brother. (Counting fingers)
Fatma;Umm ,isee.
Zainab;Come on ,imiss you also,sis.(laughing)
Fatma; So how are you doing sister?
Fatma;Isee huh.And how is  Issy doing?
Zainab;Fine, where is everyone ?
Fatma;They have gone to the burial ground.(sadly)
Zainab;And mom also?
Fatma;No ,she had meeting, you know business and all.
Zainab;Ohhh,look like it is my year to suffer.
Fatma;Excuse me, you are not here.
And why saying so?(curiously)
Zainab; You know even Issy,had meeting?
Fatma;Ohhh,that why my sister seems lonely. Isee.(murmuring)
Fatma;Nothing,so dear sister now you expect brother- in -law not to work?(Smiling)
Zainab;Didn't say that.
Fatma;Ohhh,And what did you mean?
Zainab;Nothing, idon't miss bossy.
Fatma;Upss, sis you know normally, we give short names to the ones we love.(laughing)
Zainab;Ohhh,Come on Fatma. Don't you think it's too early?
Fatma;What's wrong with you sis? You know that, he is your hubby.According to deens.(laughing)
Zainab;Okay, Fatma enough. (Seriously)
Fatma;okay.Iam goinging to hang up now,take care.
Zainab;God keep you safe,sis.

Isnad pov;
While iwas at the office. Iremember about my wifey at home. Just after finishing the meeting,idecided to tell the driver to take me back.You know, ilove my wifey so much.while iwas at home isaw no movement of wifey.
Idecided to go at the room.Ifound her quietly reciting qur-an.Idecided to catch her attention.
Zainab;Back so early.(closing the mashaf )
Isnad;Yeah, the meeting is done.(Smiling)
Zainab;But the working hours are on.I guess.
Isnad;Your alone .
Zainab;Come on,Issy why doesn't maids talk to me.(curiously)
Isnad;Because,you are my wifey. Iguess.(Smiling)
Zainab;But it is against deen ,you know.
Isnad;Idon't know much ,ithink.
Zainab;Now you know ,let them talk to me.
Isnad;As you wish, you majesty.(laughing)
Zainab;Majesty my foot.(punching him on stomach)
Isnad;( laughing).
(Leaving to the kitchen)
Isnad;Asamualeikum aleikum ,everyone this is my wife.She will be with you all the time .Give her support.
Zainab; Yes,what (Thinking)

Hello everyone. Hope you are enjoying the story. Vote and comment. Iam not perfect as iam human. But trying my best .
Wanna know what will happen .
Is it really that Isnad is very cruel and arrogant. Find out. Your support is everything.
Eid Mubarak to Muslims all over the world.

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