He is here;

21 10 3

(Live by principles such as hard work,positive thinking. )

(After aweek)
Zainab pov;
Iwas so surprised you know ,ithought they afraid bossy. And now they call him, by his name. It is surprise,isn't it.
Not only that but ,ihave learn that Isnad is kind,very helpful. Aperson
Who doesn' t pray ,but afraid his God .Is it possible? Idon't know.
As soon as we enter in the room .
Isnad started staring at me.

Zainab; Hey,can you stop staring. (Irritated)
Zainab; Am i that beautiful,Issy?(curiously)
Isnad;Omg,really you want me to comment on that?(laughing)
Zainab; Say it,cause most of time you are staring at me.
Isnad;I Just love you,wifey.That why iam staring at you.,you are someone special to me.(flirting)
Zainab;Stop acting like alovely donkey. (Smiling)
Isnad;Upss,that hurt my pride. (Smirking).
Zainab;Pride,heee.(catching both of his ears).
Isnad;Ouch,Zainab that hurts.
Zainab;(leaving his ears). Your phone is vibrating.
Security ; Hi, Isnad someone is here to see Zainab. And is forcing us ,to let him in.
Security;Iyan ,sir. Iguess.
Isnad; Iam coming.(moving out of the room.)
Security; Yes,sir.(smiling)
Zainab;Issy where are you going? Tell me Issy? (Curiously)
Isnad; Now where .Just heading to the gate.(seriously)

Isnad pov;
Ijust can't believe this man .He is here. Why?Don't  he know that Zainab is married. What if Zainab choose him over me? Should itell her that ,it is Iyan?Oh,God help me. Inever ask for help, seriously. But now iknow, it is about life.My life partner. Feeling asmooth touch on my chest.And asound.

Zainab;wake up ,Issy  .(whispering)
Isnad;So early in the morning?
Zainab;You are always waking up early,bossy. (Smiling)
Isnad ;(Going in the toilet).
Zainab; Asamualeikum aleikum. (Teasingly)
Isnad;Waleikum salam.Sorry ididn't greet you.
Zainab;It is okay,Issy.(Smiling)
(Getting out of the room heading to the kitchen)
Zuleha;Asamualeikum aleikum,my daughter. (Smiling)
Zainab;Waleikum salam,anty.(smiling back)
Nuru;Asamualeikum aleikum.
Zainab;Waleikum salam.
Zuleha;How was your sleep, daughter.
Zuleha;The food is done. Nuru will take it to the table.
Zainab;No need ,iwill do it.(assuring )
(Taking the food to the table)
Isnad;(Opening the door of the room).
Asalamu aleikum, anty.
Zuleha;Waleikum salam,son.(smiling)
Zainab; To much time, for shower. (Teasingly)
Isnad;Yeah,not normally?(smiling)
Zainab;I guess,you want to be as white as snow.(laughing)
Isnad;Is it that bad?
Zainab;Ohhh .And iwill call you snowman. (Chuckling)
Isnad;Leave me alone,wifey.
Zainab;What if idon't?(question look)
Isnad;Ohhh, (moving near and near)
Zainab;Hey,Hey.(moving back)
Isnad;Ilove you ,wifey. (Whispering)
Zainab;I ....(stammering)
Your phone is vibrating.
Isnad;( shocking).
Zainab;Issy,pick up the phone.
(Catching his chest)
Isnad;Umm, Hello.

Hi guys,ihope you like it. Aren't you curious to know about the call.
And guys ,ihave comment from ayoung reader and writer. Wich want be to write for kid .Imay not have the idea yet .But this story is valid to all people from all religion and sex .No matter how old you are.And if by any chance iwill write mature content. Iwill inform you guys,so that it will not affect the kids.

ots of love. Young brother and sisters fill free.To say anything. 😗😗😗

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