1st of July. Summer. Konoha Academy. Japanese.

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Japanese. Fifth period.

Your favorite subject, far beyond the rest for one and one reason only. The noise in the classroom decreases by a few decibels as the door slides open, not that it was that loud in the first place.

Most of the noise coming from Kiba's side of the class. Messy hair, visible piercings even though it's prohibited by school rules. Uniform violations for days. Sharp eyes, like a wolf in the wilds. Very fit. It's clear to you that he doesn't suit the image that the uniform brings.

The kids around him doesn't share his way of dress, instead wearing the uniforms like proper students of Konoha Academy. Aburame Shino sits on his right, his round glasses tinted black. Something about his eyes being sensitive to light. One of the higher ranking students for sure, consistently among the top ranks in your year. You don't know why he's wearing a hoodie with the hood up underneath in the summer. Isn't he melting with all that insulation?

Hyuga Hinata sits in the left corner with her decked out new DSLR in her lap. Yes, that Hyuga. Neji's younger cousin sister, part of the yearbook and photography club. Quiet, seems shy. Doesn't talk much. You've talked to her some in junior high but you aren't really friends or anything. She gives off a very fluffy and soft feeling and makes most of the guys' hearts in the older years go kyuun. Usually wears vests to draw attention away from her massive (you say that with absolute honesty, you really want a rack like that) chest but it ends up backfiring on her, not that anybody has told her.

Hmmm, if she can keep a secret, maybe...?

The three of them make an unlikely group but they've been close since the beginning of junior high or so you've noticed. The two boys seem unusually protective over her but you don't blame them. She looks so demure, soft and fluffy that you think all the boys would pounce on her if they had a chance (they don't). You truly think that's just the way she is, a hundred percent natural, in and out.

Unlike you.

The rest are some of other girls from your class crowding around Kiba like flies to honey, swarming around any handsome boy, desperate for his attention. They'd be doing it to Sasuke too but he's explicitly mentioned that he doesn't like that sort of massive attention and the girls, in an attempt to appeal to him, respect his wishes. But you think he's doing that to keep his flavor-of-the-month away from the rest of the other girls.

You've seen him around with various girls, changing them pretty often like accessories to stay in trend. Not that you have anything to say about that. Everyone needs ways to stave the pressure away so that they don't start to cave.

Kiba's not the reason why Japanese is your favorite, however.

"Everyone settle down. How was lunch?" A deep tenor drifts into the classroom, touting a light teal log-book and a couple of other textbooks in his hands.

He's wearing a smile that reminds you of the soft rays of the sun tickling your eyelids on a lazy Sunday morning, a warm feeling engulfing your body. You feel light in your seat, light and alert. He touches the hems his long sleeved jumper and gives it a quick tug as he approaches the lectern in the middle of the room, in front of the desks. Which have been quickly arranged back into their original positions once everyone finished eating and cleaning up.

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